心情复杂, 老公被告种族歧视。


Key findings
The UK Chinese people are subject to substantial levels of racist abuse, assault and hostility. The types of racist abuse suffered by UK Chinese people range from racist name-calling to damage to property and businesses, arson, physical attacks sometimes involving hospitalisation and murder.
The failure of many statistical and research reports to identify the experience of Chinese people separately from that of ‘other’ minorities has meant that their experience of racism remains hidden from view.
The impact of racial abuse, harassment and attacks on UK Chinese people is significant, ranging from serious psychological effects, to issues of significant concerns about the safety of their family members including children, hospitalisation, loss of businesses leading to poverty and even death.
Most of the criticisms of the criminal justice system by the Chinese victims were against the police. This raises serious questions about the effectiveness of reporting arrangements and police response to Chinese victims of hate crimes. Whereas there is evidence that police forces in the UK have procedures in place to help victims of hate crime feel more confident report their victimisation, there is no evidence that the UK Chinese have been given any priority in this development.
The government takes hate crime seriously and most criminal justice agencies have policies in place to encourage victims of hate crimes to report their victimisation and to support such victims. These policies include engagement strategies, effective delivery monitoring procedures, outreach, and interpretation and translation facilities. However, the findings indicate that as far as the UK Chinese people are concerned, these facilities are either not being used effectively, or they are inadequate or irrelevant to their specific needs and concerns as victims of crime.
Because of their continuing distrust and lack of confidence in the criminal justice system (particularly the police) and public welfare services, Chinese people have to depend quite heavily on the services of voluntary agencies for support.

首先,是f s words 是粗言秽语,说粗话并不是违法犯罪。为何大家就单单凭借几句描述就能得出楼主老公就是个种族歧视的结论?楼主可是嫁给了这个“种族歧视者”,她的生活起居都和他一起,她对老公的sf words 判断为幽默,你们是凭什么断定人家就是racist? 无语

楼主,我觉得你不用害怕。首先,对方要告你老公种族歧视需要证据。当时,你老公与她的争吵需要第三方人证,这有吗? 还有,争吵的每一字每一句,她都要在警察局做笔录,她有吗?她报警的目的就是要做个记录罢了,没有人证,你老公完全可以不承认,不记得,喝酒喝多。 根本种族歧视一般都举证困难。怕她长毛?最佳的对应方式,以后看到她,一句话也别说。

报告警察受害人自己说的就足够了,不需要别人证明。所以很多中国人被路上人racial slur都不敢汇报,所以中国人在英国是最被歧视的,不如黑人,被歧视没人理。中国人应该都去报警,hate incident,呼声高了,就没人敢了。



--------- 以对一个群体的偏见还攻击个人就算种族歧视

是的 {:5_141:}

Exactly, look at websites like Stormfront; you will see many white supremacists have Asian wives.






good translation



Miss you too xx


no. you are too young too simple, most time naive