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who cares…


很多年以前印度人在香港是统治阶级,很多印度人当警察,香港人称警察为差人,所以就叫印度人为阿差,后来叫成了阿叉,应该说这个称呼没有贬义。 {:5_144:}


估计在香港英国警察叫阿sir , 印度保安辅警叫阿差



做捕快工作就是给朝廷当差,当差的人就是差人啊。 {:5_144:}

我也不care 但是如果在印度人堆里工作 能听懂对方的态度 也是对自己有利的


你需要做的就是do your job, trust no one。 {:5_134:}

搞半天, 没人知道阿差称呼我们什么, 每人装着很知道阿差来源这回事 {:5_135:}

阿三 (A3) is an abusive word.
The word was first used in East China (Shanghai and nearby) during the Republic China period.
At that time, a lot of Indians were hired to work in the British Concession in old Shanghai City. People need to call them SIR, of course.
Shanghai people like to add a word A(阿) in front of a monosyllable, which changed SIR to A SIR (阿Sir).
In Chinese, the pronunciation of SIR is very similar to THREE (三), and a lot of insulting words in Shanghai end with THREE (三). Three is a number with bad luck in Shanghai!
Therefore, A3 (阿三) became a popular local abusive word especially among lower class to express their hate to those Indians who were hired by British Concession to rule Chinese people.



作为我们的对手 印度人


Chink这种 是西方普通蔑称华人的词汇
等同于 黑鬼那个词,nigger

我觉得 咱们叫 阿叉 阿三有调侃的意思,还没有那么歧视的语气

所以才想问问 对方如何调侃称呼我们。

In India, the ethnic slur chinki (or chinky) is frequently directed against people with East Asian features, including people from North-East India and Nepal, who are often mistaken for Chinese, despite being closer to Tibetans and the Burmese than to Han Chinese peoples.

In 2012, the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs recognized use of the term “chinki” to refer to a member of the Scheduled Tribes (especially in the North-East) as a criminal offense under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act with a penalty of up to five years in jail. The Ministry further warned that they would very seriously review any failure of the police to enforce this interpretation of the Act.


难道不是因为他们的颜色像叉烧吗? {:5_147:}