
最近太阳出来常常带我家狗小姐出门, 好几次见一个男的带两只狗不牵狗绳, 一个小型的 类似贵宾犬的狗到处乱窜, 这是一个小森林, 路是public path,基本没有车过 ,偶尔见人遛狗, 别人的狗见人通常都会招呼身边套狗绳, 就他的不这样, 他都是任他闻别人的狗, 然后就是听到狗狗大吼, 他家大狗看起来很乖通常走开, 小狗被吼后才会离开, 要不就追着别人的狗闻。 村子有人问他为什么不套个狗绳, 他说狗狗就是想和你狗打个招呼,和人见面打招呼一样, 你不要这么紧张, 你这样拉着狗, 狗狗不舒服而且你还不能训练狗狗的 behavior, 反正他把别人训一次, 不知道这是不是正常操作? 英国人爱狗如爱命,不敢乱评价别人的狗, 我家狗小姐很乖我都不敢这么放出去,还是我太保守啦。


不过我是很不喜欢不牵狗的人,然后狗窜到你身边往身上扑时,狗主人不慌不忙的过来让狗下去,然后说我家狗很乖 {:5_142:}




Where Can you Walk your Dog Off Lead?

Generally speaking, you can walk your dog off lead in most parks and wooded areas in the UK. If you don’t see any signs to alert dog walkers of any restrictions, then it’s probably acceptable to let your dog off lead.

Where is Off-Lead Dog Walking Illegal?

Dogs are generally not allowed off lead near roads, car parks, play areas and certain ponds or streams at some times of the year. Even on lead, dogs may be forbidden from entering flower beds and some parks, beachs, pitches and children’s play areas. In areas where dogs are either forbidden or only allowed on lead, there should be signage to alert dog walkers, for instance at the entrance to a park. Rules may change according to the time of year.

这看council有没有具体规定,一般没有,所以很多人放狗不带狗绳。我很反感那种自己控制不了自己狗,不带绳就到处去骚扰别人的厚的那种主人。我家狗最讨厌其他狗跑过来骚扰他,把他惹毛了他会对其他狗很凶的。然后这种主人一般觉得是你的错,明明是他自己not in control of the dog,喊不回去。

++++1 everytime those owners said sorry about the mud, jeeez im not bothered by the mud, im bothered by their claws scratching and ruining my clothes :smiley:
