
大家好, 还有一个星期就考了, 我的护照续签还没回来(本来以为可以在考前收到的),现在没护照该怎么办啊? 发了信问了cfa, 他们说我必须出具可以替换护照的有法律效应的文件,他们审核后, 才可以同意我用那个替代的文件。 大家知道有什么可以替代护照阿? 大使馆可以签发么?一个星期来不来的及??很急啊,复习了好久了:(((



cfa 给我回的信说好像说可以用替代的文件啊,但没说什么可以用,让我去咨询发护照的单位。
Thank you for contacting us about your passport information. Thank you for following up about your passport. We understand it may be difficult, if not impossible, for you to obtain a passport under these circumstances. Several of our candidates find themselves in a similar position. For many of these candidates we have been able to extend an exception to the stated passport policy. To be granted an exception, we have asked candidates to identify alternate international travel documents for which they might be eligible and once we are able to confirm the validity of such a document, we have granted an exception for that document.
Unfortunately, we are not in a position to suggest international travel documents for which you might be eligible. We encourage you to seek assistance from your local passport-issuing agency to determine which documents you might consider.

他说了国际旅行证件 international travel documents