请教关于入籍申请表Form AN 的问题,达人请进 求帮忙。情况微复杂


  1. 表格中1.1 nationality directorate 是什么东西呢,我知道跟我去无关,但想知道一下

  2. 表格中说tick the box,就是打对勾, 但我发现我reference推荐人是 cross it 就是画叉,这个有问题吗?

  3. section 5 推荐人那一栏 的照片我用别针别上,照片背面用写上姓名之类的吗?

  4. Crown service 不太清楚具体什么意思? 加冕??

  5. Evidence of knowledge of English. 那就只需要提供 life in uk 测试对吧?

  6. 楼主是学生,关于过去5年的住址证明问题,checklist 上说passport , 能提供我房东的证明信吗? 我过去五年一直住在一个地方,还是分别找a level 开证明信,再找大学开信呢? 谢谢

  7. 对于我这种情况,除了护照,life in uk test,地址证明,还需要提供其他的文件吗?我对照checklist 实在想不出别的啦,谢谢大家




另外地址居住时间 写到交申请表那天吗


  1. 表格中1.1 nationality directorate 是什么东西呢,我知道跟我去无关,但想知道一下

Immigration and Nationality Directorate 是英国2007年4月之前内政部负责移民国籍事物部门的名称。

  1. 表格中说tick the box,就是打对勾, 但我发现我reference推荐人是 cross it 就是画叉,这个有问题吗?


  1. section 5 reference 的照片我用别针别上,照片背面用写上姓名之类的吗?


  1. Crown service 不太清楚具体什么意思? 加冕??

Crown service:

Working in the direct employment by the United Kingdom Government, the Northern Ireland Government, the Scottish Administration, the Welsh Assembly Government (from 6 November 2009) or, on or after 21 May 2002, the governments of the qualifying territories. (See Qualifying territory.) This does not include someone who is subcontracted on government projects or in the service of Crown servants, such as Royal Navy laundrymen or teachers working in schools on British bases.


  1. Evidence of knowledge of English. 那就只需要提供 life in uk 测试对吧?

Life in the UK 就可以了

  1. 楼主是学生,关于过去5年的住址证明问题,checklist 上说passport , 能提供我房东的证明信吗? 我过去五年一直住在一个地方,还是分别找a level 开证明信,再找大学开信呢? 谢谢


SECTION 3 Evidence of lawful residence during the 5 (or, if the applicant is married or in civil partnership to a British citizen, 3) years before the date of the application: required for applications made on the basis of residence in the United Kingdom:

required for all applicants
• Your passports OR
• Letters from employers, educational establishments or other Government Departments indicating presence in UK

http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/nationality/form_an.pdf page 15


  1. 对于我这种情况,除了护照,life in uk test,地址证明,还需要提供其他的文件吗?我对照checklist 实在想不出别的啦,谢谢大家

你没有什么特殊情况,护照,Life in the UK, 照片,就好了。不需要地址证明。


顺便问下,1.17 有一栏问在英国住的时间, 那就是我刚来英国的时间到我去做Nsc 的时间吗?(From-To)比如我7月10号做nsc,就写7月10号吗?

另外表格说大写,我所有的地方都是大写,但我发现我推荐人在5.2 (say how u know the applicant and state ur age and profession),写的是小写。这个会有问题吗?

另外我找大学开了信,还用找 a level 开信吗? 非常感谢。

顺便问下,1.17 有一栏问在英国住的时间, 那就是我刚来英国的时间到我去做Nsc 的时间吗?(From-To)比如我7月10号做nsc,就写7月10号吗?

写到你NCS的时间没有问题,或者不写具体的日期,写个 NOW 也可以

另外表格说大写,我所有的地方都是大写,但我发现我推荐人在5.2 (say how u know the applicant and state ur age and profession),写的是小写。这个会有问题吗?


另外我找大学开了信,还用找 a level 开信吗? 非常感谢。


就像楼上所说的, 有护照能cover过去5年的就不用出其他证明文件,就是表格,护照,照片和费用。


6.6 *I declare that, although I do not meet all of the statutory requirements for naturalisation, I believe® that, in view of the following special circumstances, the Home Secretary should treat me as fulfilling those requirements or waive the need in my case to fulfil them.

入籍对于工作收入没有要求,所以你只要在section 3 里写一下你是没有工作的就可以了。但是这不会影响你的入籍,和6.6,6.7无关


3.7 Please give details below for each criminal conviction, starting with the most recent one. If you have received more
than two convictions, please photocopy this page and enclose it with this form.

Note: We will carry out criminal record checks on all applicants. You must give details of all unspent and spent criminal
convictions. This includes road traffic offences but not fixed penalty notices (such as speeding or parking tickets) unless
they were part of a sentence of the court.
This includes all drink-driving offences.



顺便问下 做NCS如何交入籍的800多磅的费用。我没有支票本。到时候直接用卡付钱行吗? 谢谢




