轉讓租約: single ensuite room at Sir Charles Groves Hall

請問有沒有人有興趣租住Sir Charles Groves Hall的single ensuite room?
因為個人問題, 現在想要轉讓租約。希望大家幫助看看有沒有人有需要。
房間每月租金是119.5英鎊, 租約共42個星期。租金包括所有水電和上網。廚房每星期有人清潔。

如果有需要的可以pm我又或是send email到[email protected] , 謝謝!

Anyone interested in renting a single ensuite room at Sir Charles Groves Hall?
It’s costs 119.5 pounds per week, all bill included.
Its location is very close to all saints campus.
Please inbox me or email me to [email protected] for more information. Thanks :slight_smile: