
现在老婆打算带着俩孩子去日本玩几周, 住在孩子的姑姑家里.

老婆现在是永居, 孩子已经入籍了.
请问各位大神, 永居申请日本面签需要什么材料呢? 多久能出来, 我们想越快越好?
俩孩子拿英国护照, 是直接就可以入境还是需要在网站登记什么的

有大神有这方面的经验吗 ?

感激不尽, 也比较着急…因为孩子的奶奶爷爷也从中国去日本玩几周. 他们19号就要去日本了.


Temporary Visitor Visa is for activities not exceeding 90 days as below:
sightseeing, visiting relatives or friends, recreation, convalescence, attending a conference, participation in unpaid lectures, meetings, amateur athletic meetings or other contests, short business trips (e.g. market surveys, business talks, after sales service for machinery imported into Japan)
This category excludes profit-making operations and paid activities.

UK and Irish passport holders are NOT required to obtain a visa if they wish to enter Japan for the purpose of journey described above for a period of 6 months or less. (Note 1, 2)

Please note that the visa exemption agreement does not apply to holders of British Overseas Citizen, British Subject or British Dependent / Overseas Territories Citizen passports.

Also, nationals of more than 60 countries and regions wishing to go to Japan for the above mentioned-activities are NOT required to obtain a visa under visa exemption arrangements between Japan and those countries. (Note 1, 2)

A multiple visa may be issued to frequent travellers who intend to visit Japan for short-term stays such as business activities and cultural activities. Multiple visas can be used as many times as needed within the period of validity. Please contact the visa officer for further information.

Period of Stay
90 days, 30 days or 15 days

Sightseeing, visiting friends etc.
Business trip

Note 1:	

Even if you are the subject of a visa exemption arrangement, permission to enter Japan remains at the discretion of the immigration authorities. We advise that you should take supporting documents with you for immigration inspection at the airport such as a return flight ticket, details of host organisation and evidence of sufficient funds for your stay.

Note 2:	For nationals of UK (British Citizens), Ireland, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Mexico and Switzerland, the maximum period of stay given on arrival will be 90 days. If you wish to extend your period of stay for a further 90 days, you must go to the nearest immigration office to apply for extension of your period of stay.



  1. Valid passport and UK Residence Permit/Entry Clearance where applicable

  2. One completed and signed Visa Application Forma

  3. One passport-sized photograph (taken within last 6 months)

  4. Recent letter from employer or academic institution in the UK (issued within
    last 3 months)

  5. Letter of Reason for Invitation a

    from Japan if applicable

  6. Schedule of Staya

    for the proposed trip

  7. Return or onward-journey flight information (if booked)

  8. Hotel information (if booked)

  9. Recent bank statements (last 3 months) to show sufficient funds for the
    proposed trip
    In some cases, additional supporting documents may be required.
    It normally takes w k to issue the visa.




我今天打了电话一直没打通. 希望很快,

不过, 这时间去日本的人应该不多吧, 毕竟不是旅游旺季




我没去, 我老婆去@.@ 她也很赶, 还要回来带小孩




签证没下来, 你机票就定拉 ???

我在犹豫要不要订机票现在, 现在订21号出发BA直飞东京的要1700镑左右. 如果定11月1号直飞的, 就只要1200多镑.

我老婆也是10号去的, 预计这周五会收到SPECIAL DELIVERY , 才知道有没有给签

永居签, 应该没啥问题吧…就是不知道给签多久…我们打算在日本呆6个星期左右

不定机票我怕不给签。 你直飞东京肯定贵。我是从cardiff飞大连700镑,有500的,但是我要的时间只能选700的。从大连在飞东京4000人民币。我是20号到成田机场。21,22在京都,23,24回东京。要不留个微信到那咱一起溜达?

, 我能告诉你我悲催的要再英国上班么??? 然后我老婆带着孩子去日本玩几个星期, 关键是我爸妈, 我丈母娘刚好都要去日本, 等于一家人在日本团聚了. 除了我!!!

一女人带俩孩子坐飞机, 很累的. 所以必须直飞.
