

我的情况是没有UK学位,T2签证高校呆了5年,其他条件满足,已于7月份通过 The life in the UK


The SET(O) application form contains more information about these documents.

You must have sufficient English language ability and knowledge of life in the UK, unless you are under 18 years old or over 65 years old when you apply. You can find more information in the Settlement section.


How do I demonstrate my knowledge of language and life in the UK?

If you are not exempt from the KOL requirement, you must demonstrate a good knowledge of language and life in the UK before you apply for settlement. Most applicants will need to do this by:

passing the ‘Life in the UK’ test, if they speak English to a reasonable standard, or if they are currently in the UK as skilled or highly skilled migrants; or
taking and passing a course in English and citizenship, if they do not speak English.



我记得看到过相关的字样说 degree 就可以不考了 只要life in uk 就行了