
@ apple_luby

大屁股 坐沙里个花


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i just cut his hair last week, the back looks terrible, i did it in twice, first time i did it by meself, but he was crying and kept turning around, i gave up after finished the top part, and i waited till last saturday so my husband could help to hold him, but still, the back was scary

我当时给米胖剃光头的时候,我就扔了一个玩具给他,然后我刷刷刷的几下全部剃光~~~ 我觉得你需要吸引他的注意力。。hold 住其实不一定有用。因为他如果不要你hold,他会反抗。。适得其反。。我就让他坐在一个椅子里面理头发的

i used scissor not trimmer or clipper, need to get one{:5_130:}


Clementine, he was sucking the juice{:5_142:}


哈哈哈哈!!! 斑竹真逗~

i checked the one you suggested, but it is only available in china or usa, not in uk, i like it cos it collects the hair and quite too

i really need to get a trimmer then it seems all the mums are using it



my son likes a book with peekaboo mirror, cos he can see me in there too, and when he looks at me in the mirror, he laughs, then he kisses the mirror{:5_142:}

擦!!!!so sWEET!!!!我们家喂饭的旁边有面大的镜子,他总是吃的很香很香,然后对着镜子吃。。{:5_133:} 然后看到镜子里有我,就嘟嘴说 妈妈抱抱。。。。擦。。后妈心瞬间瓦解。。。泥煤啊

{:5_142:} mi shuai shuai a, how can you resist so long and not giving up, you’ve been doing very well{:5_142:}

因为我是女王{:5_142:} {:5_142:} {:5_142:}

he will melt you over bit by bit, i bet he is really smart and getting smarter day by day{:5_137:} he already find one of your soft point

恩恩~~或者找找类似的????我喜欢把外面的盒子脱了剃。。哈哈哈 因为我要当时要把米胖的头发剃光光~等他周岁以后我打算给他整个桃心头。。{:5_142:} 这个时候就要用外面的盒子了要留不同的长短的说

我还在努力坚守阵地。。。。{:5_142:} 我一直觉得带娃是个斗智斗勇的技术活 {:5_146:}
