

  1. If GBP100 were used to purchase Euro in year 1, what would be their approximate value if they were kept for a year (assume no interest eared) and then exchanged for HKD?

EUR1.52=GBP1 Year 1
EUR1.64=GBP1 Year 2

HKD12.3=GBP1 Year 1
HKD11.2=GBP1 Year 2

2.if halving the price of Midras 12 meant annual sales would increase from 2520 to 3950, what would be the effect on annual madras 12 profits?

Total cost per unit
Manufacture £25.4,distribution £2.5, other £7.6
Sale price per unit £120
Profit per unit £84.5

  1. Approximately how many more people were born in India in 1991 than died?

India total population (millions) =843
Birth rate (per 1,000 pop.) = 40.6
Mortality rate (per 1,000 pop.)=12.2

  1. If the male to female ration in the total population was 1:1, how many more women than men were literate in India in 2001?

India total population (millions) =1079
Literacy rate (% female/male pop.) = 30/20

  1. In swapping currency (in year1) a traveller incurs a charge of 5% on each transaction made. The traveller first converts JPY100,000 into MYR, then converted into AUD. How many AUD is that, taking account of charges?

JPY158=GBP1 Year 1
MYR7.6=GBP1 Year 1
AUD2.55=GBP1 Year 1

6.The currecy which has shown the smallest proportional change in value in relation to sterling between year 1 and year 2 is the?

EUR1.52=GBP1 Year 1
EUR1.64=GBP1 Year 2
USD1.60=GBP1 Year 1
USD1.45=GBP1 Year 2
JPY158=GBP1 Year 1
JPY190=GBP1 Year 2
AUD2.55=GBP1 Year 1
AUD2.71=GBP1 Year 2
CHF2.60=GBP1 Year 1
CHF2.40=GBP1 Year 2
HKD12.3=GBP1 Year 1
HKD11.2=GBP1 Year 2
MYR7.60=GBP1 Year 1
MYR5.45=GBP1 Year 2


Home work… {:5_129:}

  1. YEAR 1: GBP 100=EUR 152
    YEAR 2: EUR 164=GBP 100
    => 1 EUR =GBP (100/164)
    => EUR 152=GBP 152 x (100/164)=GBP 92.68

HKD 11.2=GBP 1
=>GBP 92.68= HKD 92.68 x11.2=HKD 1038

  1. old number of units= 2520/120= 120
    =>old profit=21 x 84.5=1774.5

new number of units=3950/120=33
=>new total cost of sale=33 x 35.5=1171.5
=>new profit=3950-1171.5=2778.5
so, profits has increased 2778.5-1174.5=1004

  1. 843,000,000 x (40.6-12.2)=23941,200

  2. 1079m/2=539.5 each male and female

=> m=2/3 f
=>f-m=1/3 f
so,539.5m x 1/3 =179.83

  1. JPY 1= MYR (7.6/158)
    MYR 1=AUD (2.55/7.6)
    transaction 1:
    charge: JPY 100,000 x 5%=JPY 5000
    JPY 5000=MYR 5000 x(7.6/158)= MRY 240.5
    JPY 100,000 x 95%=JPY 95,000= MYR 95000x(7.6/158)= MYR 4569.6

transacton 2:
charge: MYR 4569.6 x 5%= MYR 228.48
so, total charge = MRY 240.5+228.48 =MYR 468.98
MYR 468.98=AUD 468.98 x(2.55/7.6)=AUD 157.36

6.问题没打全吧?is the?什么啊





{:5_134:} 系统设置只让我悬赏50两银子啊,不知道怎么才能多悬赏

{:5_134:} 系统设置只让我悬赏50两银子啊,不知道怎么才能多悬赏

{:5_145:} 我知道我数学很烂的


Which currency has shown the smallest proportional change in value in relation to sterling between year 1 and year 2?
EUR1.52=GBP1 Year 1
EUR1.64=GBP1 Year 2
USD1.60=GBP1 Year 1
USD1.45=GBP1 Year 2
JPY158=GBP1 Year 1
JPY190=GBP1 Year 2
AUD2.55=GBP1 Year 1
AUD2.71=GBP1 Year 2
CHF2.60=GBP1 Year 1
CHF2.40=GBP1 Year 2
HKD12.3=GBP1 Year 1
HKD11.2=GBP1 Year 2
MYR7.60=GBP1 Year 1
MYR5.45=GBP1 Year 2





Year 1: eur= gbp(1/1.52)
Year 2: eur=gbp(1/1.64)
Difference= 1/1.52-1/1.64=gbp 0.05


atobekeigo 发表于 2013-10-26 03:37
不客气~ 多谢银子

{:5_137:} mm很有耐心的给我解题,收银子是应得的

