【发帖赢大奖】PWC telephone interview

I was asked quite a few questions that I didn’t expect, including what research have you done in regards of converting acca to aca qualification (I wrote in my application form that I completed acca); what impact do you think QBE’s (an asutralian insurer) provision written off and share price dip would have in Australia after I said I’d like to talk abt this company and was trying to link it with pwc’s products; why risk assurance but not general assuranc after answering why I chose assurance;

A time you worked with someone who had a difference approach from urs.
A time that most ppl don’t agree with the best solution.
A time there was not enough resource for your work.
A time you have to manage multiple works at one time.
A time you have to change your working style.
A time you did a piece of work without any guidance.
A time you were asked to do sth you didn’t wanted to do.
A time you raised a concern regarding to your colleagues.


thx for sharing ! r u applying for pwc Australia?

applied to London risk assurance. chose an Australian company for commercial awareness question. I didn’t pass it : (

谢谢 不过没过。。。 挺郁闷的 不知道为啥没过。。

just took the telephone interview for assurance today. do you know how long i will get the result?
p.s i think i failed coz not doing well in competency quesiton

别急再等等 有时自我感觉好反而过不了, 感觉不好反而过了~

generally depends on the how quick your assessor writes the report. there’s a rumour saying if you don’t get an acception letter within 24hrs, you gonna expect a rejection letter within 72hrs though.