【发帖赢大奖】life in the uk 10/01/14 真题

记得不全了,但把能想到的都写下来了, 简写,准备考试的洪学应该都明白, 写得仓促,引号里面是要选的
1.maximum claim in England is ‘5000’
2.Butler ACT created ‘free secondary school’
3.henry八世的什么运动是为了反对roman catholic的-reformation
4.Boyne battle 是发生在什么时候-james II
5.Wales’s patron saint is ‘st David’
6.Devolved administration can control issue of ‘education and social service’
7.William the conqueror won ‘Battle of Hastings’
8.The first person in England to print book using a printing press-William Caxton
9.Women in Britain today make up about 'half of ’ the workforce
10.‘Beefeaters’ - yeoman wardens in The Tower of London
11.In 1776, ‘North America’ claimed no taxation without representation and declared their independence.
12. ‘Nelson’ died in battle of Trafalgar.
13.Home rule postponed because of ‘WW1’
14.Easter is in ‘March or April’
15.Bobby Moore made contribution to ‘Football’
16.William Wordsworth wrote poet about ‘daffodils’
17.Scotland-St Andrew
18.Council election-‘every may’
19.As a citizen, you should ‘respect the law’ and ‘look after you and your family’

20. True or false: In England, Wales and Scotland-an electoral registration form is used for voting.
为什么突然想起呢?因为我当时神经病地觉得它说的是individual registration,然后选了false,妈妈咪呀。


thank you very much

Thanks for share, Its really help for us. :handshake