畢業論文準備中, 請大家多多幫忙 :)

大家好, 我是MMU的同學, 正在準備我的畢業論文的研究, 希望大家能夠多多幫忙!!

雖然知道大學生的生活很忙, 但希望大家願意細心閱讀以下的內容。

是此的研究將會用於本人的畢業論文中, 是一項有關英國留學生的飲食和運動習慣改變的研究, 需要在中國和英國讀大學的各位幫忙, 謝謝!

填寫問卷調查的預計時間約需要15分鍾, 而飲食紀錄則需要填寫3日(兩個平日和一日週末) 。

希望大家能踴躍參加, 如果大家有適合參與這次研究的朋友, 也請多多幫忙邀請他們參加。

有興趣參與的朋友請在這個帖中留下你的email address 或者直接Pm or email 我. 我的email是[email protected]


Research Topic:
Investigation into the changes of eating and exercise habits
on Chinese international students in United Kingdom

The purpose of this study is to find out the changes of eating and exercise patterns on Chinese student before and after they lived in UK.

The methods of collecting data are questionnaire and food diary.
The questionnaire is viewed in 4 parts: General Information, Dietary Habits, Exercise Habits and Health Concerns.
To finish the questionnaires, it will take you approximately 15 minutes. You will be asked several questions about your general information, food, exercise and lifestyle aspects.

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