
A North Korean central news anchorman said during a live broadcast: “We are very delighted to announce a successful mission to put a man on the sun. North Korea has beaten every other country in the world to the sun. Hung Il Gong is a hero and deserves a hero’s welcome when he returns home later this evening”.

Hung is expected back on Earth in just a few hours time, where he will be greeted by his uncle, and supreme leader: Kim Jong-un. Hung traveled in the cover of darkness, as it would protect him from the harsh, and extreme temperatures of the Sun. Hung will also be bringing back some sun spot samples for his uncle, which I’m sure he will show off to the world in a short amount of time.

The North Korean central news agency is calling the 18-hour mission the “greatest human achievement of our time” - and so they should, landing a man on the Sun, a trip that took 18 hours return, is quite the achievement, all things considered. I wonder if Dennis Rodman considered this a slam dunk for the country.

A North Korean central news anchorman said during a live broadcast: “We are very delighted to announce a successful mission to put a man on the sun. North Korea has beaten every other country in the world to the sun. Hung Il Gong is a hero and deserves a hero’s welcome when he returns home later this evening”.

Hung is expected back on Earth in just a few hours time, where he will be greeted by his uncle, and supreme leader: Kim Jong-un. Hung traveled in the cover of darkness, as it would protect him from the harsh, and extreme temperatures of the Sun. Hung will also be bringing back some sun spot samples for his uncle, which I’m sure he will show off to the world in a short amount of time.

The North Korean central news agency is calling the 18-hour mission the “greatest human achievement of our time” - and so they should, landing a man on the Sun, a trip that took 18 hours return, is quite the achievement, all things considered. I wonder if Dennis Rodman considered this a slam dunk for the country.



Hung Il Gong 于 1 月 21 日凌晨 3 点独自乘搭特制太空船出发前往太阳,并于 4 小时后到达目的地 - 「太阳」。

按原定计划, Hung Il Gong 将于 1 月 21 日晚上 9 点回到北韩,从北韩到太阳来回总共用了 18 小时。

据讲这位 17 岁的太空人特意选择在晚上出发前往太阳,以避免被太阳的熊熊火光所吞没。 而当 Hung Il Gong 登陆太阳后,收集了太阳黑子的样本,以便回到北韩时送给北韩伟大的领导人 ━ 金正恩作为礼物。



  1. 我以为地球上晚上天黑是因为我们所在地没有面对太阳,原来太阳也是有晚上的。原来太阳会从白天的摄氏 6,000C降温到晚上的看不到光。

  2. 我以为太阳是气体的,原来朝鲜的伟大领袖能改天换地,让太阳成为陆地。

  3. 太阳和地球的距离约为 149,597,871 公里,我原来以为最快火箭的速度才每小时三万公里,要两百多天才能去太阳打一个来回。原来「伟大的北韩」的火箭速度能达到每小时三千万公里,和电子在高能粒子加速器中的速度相仿。

  4. 我以为太阳黑子是太阳光球上的临时现象,原来太阳黑子它可以被储存。

  5. 我以为北朝鲜缺能源,原来它们的能源多得可以用全世界一年能源的总和发射一颗火箭。

  6. 我以为要等到4月1号才能听到这样的新闻,原来在伟大的西朝鲜每一天都是愚人节,每一天都在创造奇迹。



Waterford Whispers News的东西居然有这么多人当成新闻…

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com


主体思想万岁 -东方红,太阳登。

太阳? 那个太空人烤熟了没? 太阳上BBQ是嘛滋味?
发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com


误解 耻笑朝鲜的 跟那些误解中国的外国人 没什么区别

LZ长点心好吧 这也能信




