


AVENUE,一直都不错,Barrow hedges,也是不错的,WESTBOURN,也还行…总体来说,SUTTON的小学还是不错的


Sutton以下几个中学都是非常非常好的公立Grammar School(需要考试入学的公立中学)

Sutton Grammar School, (男)
Nonsuch High School for Girls,(女)
Wallington Country Grammar, (男)
Wilson’s School, (男)
Greenshaw High School(混)

Avenue Primary School,Inspection report Outstanding,

Avenue Primary School is a much larger than average primary school and the roll is rising. The school expanded to four forms of entry in Reception and Year 1 this year, at the request of the local authority. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is lower than average The proportion of pupils at school action, school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is lower than average. Approximately 60% of pupils are White British, with the remainder of pupils coming from a range of different ethnic backgrounds. The proportion of pupils from a minority ethnic heritage is increasing, reflecting the changes in the local community. The school is currently undertaking consultation to become an academy and with regard to becoming a permanent four-form entry primary school. The school has a strong focus on the use of technology to enhance learning, including its own radio station. The headteacher, a national leader of learning, was appointed in September 2011 and there have been several changes to the senior leadership team since the last inspection. The school meets the current government floor standard, which sets the minimum expectations for pupils’ attainment in English and mathematics.

Key Stage 2 Results
Average point score (2011-2013): 30.1 31.2 30.5 (ranked 1,545 of 14,709)
Level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths (2012-2013): 94% 89% ¹
Level 5 or above in reading, writing and maths (2013): 37%
Level 4 or above in English and maths (2009-2012): 92% 98% 98% 94% ²

Free school meals: 10.7%

English not 1st language: 25.8%

做个对比,附近的 Cuddington Croft Primary School Inspection Report Good

Cuddington Croft Primary School is a larger than average primary school. Most pupils come from White British backgrounds, although the proportion of pupils who come from minority ethnic groups is above average. Few pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is well below average, as is the percentage of pupils with special educational needs. The Early Years Foundation Stage consists of a Nursery and two Reception classes. The school has a number of awards and is an Eco-school. The school meets the current national floor standards for pupils’ attainment.

Key Stage 2 Results
Average point score (2011-2013): 31.0 31.0 31.2 (ranked 618 of 14,709)
Level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths (2012-2013): 85% 85% ¹
Level 5 or above in reading, writing and maths (2013): 42%
Level 4 or above in English and maths (2009-2012): 97% 92% 98% 92% ²
¹ Most pupils are expected to achieve Level 4. ² This measure ceased in 2012.

Free school meals: 2.3%

English not 1st language: 13.6%

Avenue 周围flat不少 学校规模挺大 但一直还算稳定 。westbourn周围大片council区 没想明白它成绩为嘛好 Barrow hedge在传统好区值得推荐:)

很多少数民族比working class white重视教育,伦敦东边一个学校学生基本是少数民族而且黑人很多大部分是低收入家庭,有个给力校长这几年成绩全英格兰排前几名,所以说校长特别重要,另外看学校不能只看成绩。:lol

Ofsted report 当然也可以参考,但是对公校来讲,不看成绩看什么呢…如果大部分家长不在乎成绩,难道会愿意花钱花精力去培养还组别的么。:dizzy: