

律师观点 :小心侵犯他人肖像权
部分律师认为,很多摄影爱好者认识上有个误区,觉得只要没丑化被拍者,没做商业用途,就不存在侵权行为。 实际上,如果仅仅是在公共场所偷拍不存在侵权,但只要是不经过当事人允许,拍摄特定的对象,并把偷拍照片公布传播,即便不是以营利为目的,除了用作新闻报道、公安机关为缉拿犯罪嫌疑人而发的“通缉令”等情况外,就应看作是侵犯了对方的肖像权。而且,在网站上发布这类照片,自然有吸引眼球、提高点击率、扩大网站影响的目的,很难说是非营利性的。照片一旦上网,难保被人恶搞或做不法之用,一旦这样就可能侵害被拍者名誉权,拍摄者、发布者、网站和恶搞者均应承担相应责任。而且,街拍活动也不是很受市民的支持,很多穿着时尚的俊男靓女在街上还不能坦然面对陌生人的镜头,以致不少“街拍”都变成了“偷拍”。为此,为了不侵犯肖像权,街拍图片在网上发布时应把脸部模糊掉,避免引起相关法律纠纷。

following from http://www.digitalcameraworld.com/2012/04/14/photographers-rights-the-ultimate-guide/

Photographers Rights: Taking Pictures of People in Public

Are you breaking any law when you’re taking pictures of people in public? Probably not, but the position under UK law is uncertain.

There are currently no general privacy laws under UK law, but the UK courts must take into account the European Convention on Human Rights, which gives everyone the right to respect for their private and family life. As this is an area of law that has been developing rapidly over the last few years, it is hard to be certain what will constitute an infringement.

The key issue is whether the place the image is taken is one where a person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy. For example, it has been suggested that the right of privacy of a child could be infringed by publishing a photo of them with their parents in a public street.

It is therefore advisable to be careful when taking photos intended for publication, even where the subject matter is in a public place. Failure to obtain a model release for the use of an image will certainly make it harder to sell the picture to stock libraries.

Photographing children
The same laws apply to adult and child subjects, but a child does not have the legal capacity to consent and a parent or guardian must therefore do so on their behalf. Be aware that schools, leisure centres and places where children and adults gather usually have their own photography restrictions.

Although decent photos of children (see our tips for better pictures of babies, children and teenagers) taken in a public place may be fine for non-commercial use, seek permission from the child’s parents or guardians and don’t shoot covertly with a long lens. For commercial images, you’ll need to get a model release signed by the parents.



There is no law against photographing children




我也是一个街拍狂 很厚脸皮的那种 遇到很多不同反应的对象 有友善的 还在你面前拍pose 有问你是不是拍他的 也有过叫你删除照片的



我是问过我以前一个学法律的学妹,如果你是故意拍对方的行为的,需要得到对方的许可。 否则对方有法依据告你的,如果你拍的风景啊,或者一些活动不小心把人带进去的,没有关系。 这界定于你是目的是什么。




要是我肯定不高兴,万一很丑给拍进去了 咋办?而且一般爱街拍的都不大愿意拍照(拍自己)!

如果你街拍没人阻止你,照片拍下来就是你的因为摄影师有copy right,但是有人要求你删除照片,你必须删除,否则他们有权起诉你。




[quote=“gaopeng911, post: 14, topic: 2568268”]
gaopeng911 发表于 2014-12-25 00:59
你是不知道几年前一次摄影师的集体抗议吧?当时那段时间比较敏感,在街上你把相机掏出来都不用拍,就会有 …[/quote]

not quite right


Following a prolonged campaign, including a series of demonstrations by photographers dealt with by Police Officers and PCSOs, the Metropolitan Police was forced to issue updated legal advice which now confirms that ‘Members of the public and the media do not need a permit to film or photograph in public places and police have no power to stop them filming or photographing incidents or police personnel’ and that ‘The power to stop and search someone under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000 no longer exists.’


Terrorism Act 2000
Photography and Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000
The power to stop and search someone under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000 no longer exists.

Police officers continue to have the power to stop and search anyone who they reasonably suspect to be a terrorist under Section 43 of the Terrorism Act.

Photography and Section 43 of the Terrorism Act 2000
Officers have the power to stop and search a person who they reasonably suspect to be a terrorist. The purpose of the stop and search is to discover whether that person has in their possession anything which may constitute evidence that they are a terrorist.

Officers have the power to view digital images contained in mobile telephones or cameras carried by a person searched under S43 of the Terrorism Act 2000 to discover whether the images constitute evidence that the person is involved in terrorism. Officers also have the power to seize and retain any article found during the search which the officer reasonably suspects may constitute evidence that the person is a terrorist. This includes any mobile telephone or camera containing such evidence.


没人有权利让你删除照片。当然要publish,做商业用途之类就需要model release


Sorry I pressed ‘反对’ by mistake - silly iPad