

我的永居那页在我的中国护照里面。我暑假的时候护照找不到啦, 我现在有一个新的护照。 但是要重新申请一个PR stamp, 现在都是BRP 啦, 有人推荐啦这个网站 https://www.gov.uk/transfer-visa 就是这个toc 表格吧?https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/360031/TOC_Application_Form_10-14.pdf
council tax letters and uk driving licence, 一定要是原件吗? council tax letter 可以, 我还需要把我的驾照发过去啊?那我这几个月不就不能坐飞机啦。

Proof of your identity in the form of documents confirming your name and address, such as those listed below.

  • UK driving licence
  • council tax letters
  • letter(s) confirming tenancy or mortgage payments
  • electricity, gas or water bills
  • letter(s) from employer(s) confirming employment
  • letter(s) confirming registration with a doctor


我看这意思, 不像是说下列文件全都要啊…

我怎么看到表上说EEA residence permit holders or persons with Indefinite Leave to Remain in the United Kingdom should not use this form. 呢



护照已经取消啦。 而且不是在外面丢的。 是在家里什么地方,就是怎么找都找不到啦。

哈哈, 谢谢啊!是的。 这个表格是我看到以前的老帖子 有人推荐的。 不是这个表格。 那是那个呐?


Do I have to report to the police ? I did not as my passport is not stolen, but lost in my own flat.


Thank god you replied me before I go to the post office to send off the forms… I am going to the police station this week. I think I lost mine in July, so its definitely over 3 months, does it matter when to report to the police? I did not realise I lost it until I was looking for it in summer to plan a trip abroad, obviously I could not go as a result.

大家好! 谢谢大家的热情回复! 我是今年出申请的中国护照和BRP. 大约是2-3 个月拿到的。然后5月中旬的时候我去申请啦入籍。 今天是正好6个月, 已经收到啦移民局的信, 入籍成功啦!下周会有-invitation letter for ceremony. 估计快的话-1月份会拿到英国护照。


2016年1月中旬,在一个漆黑又潮湿的早晨,某来自巴黎的早上第一个航班抵达伦敦希思罗,一位操着xx口音的旅客,穿着一套不太合身的新大衣,左盼右顾的紧跟着下飞机的人群走到了边境处过关,汗湿的手里攥着飞机上同行乘客帮忙填好的landing card和楼主的护照,一步一艰难的终于走到border处,工作人员接过护照问道:“good morning, could you please remove your glasses?", 此人紧张的回答,”my name is xx, my address is …"


这个是对的。 不好意思 看错啦!