博士viva过了, 签证快到期了, 可以续签吗?已解决 附上详细说明

伯明翰大学的博士,学期到今年08月底,现在viva过了,正在修改,签证这个月底到期 ,估计赶不上交论文,这种情况怎么办?可以续签吗,具体怎么操作?

谢谢大家的回复,申DES是可以的,必须在最终毕业日期(和课程结束时间不同)前的60天内申请,下面是我询问伯大international office以后的答复,希望能帮到大家!{:2_27:}

If you are considering applying for the Doctorate Extension Scheme, here are a few steps to help you navigate your way through the application process.

  1. To determine your eligibility to apply for the scheme, ask yourself the following questions:

a) Are you currently enrolled as a PhD student?
b) Do you currently hold a valid Tier 4 (General) student visa?
c) Are you coming to the end of your PhD studies? (i.e. near the end of write up, pre viva)

If you have answered yes, then you should be eligible to apply for the DES.
For further guidance on eligibility see page 19, point 85 of: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/pbs/Tier4migrantguidance.pdf

  1. If you fit the eligibility criteria then you will need to complete the Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme CAS request form. You can collect this form from Student Enquiry Services, located at the lower ground floor of the Main Library.

  2. ISAS will then assess your eligibility and make contact with you regarding the process, informing you when you will be able to apply for the DES visa.
    Once you have submitted your thesis, you will shortly be notified of the date of your Viva. At this stage you will need to inform ISAS of the date of your Viva.

ISAS will then contact Registry to confirm your final correction submission date along with the ACTUAL end date of your course. The ACTUAL end date of your course usually calculates to four or six weeks from the date of your final correction submission date depending on your Viva outcome (minor or major corrections).

You will be eligible to apply for the Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme within 60 days of the ACTUAL end date of your course. ISAS will inform you of the earliest date that your CAS can be issued.

  1. Before ISAS can issue a Tier 4 DES CAS, ISAS are required to check all original supporting documentation that you intend to submit to the UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration) in support of your Tier 4 DES visa application.
    Once you have received your CAS from ISAS, you can go ahead and apply to extend your current Tier 4 visa under the Doctorate Extension Scheme.

  2. When you receive a decision from the Home Office regarding your visa application, you need to inform ISAS who will arrange a minimum of 3 contact points throughout the 12 month Tier 4 DES visa. You must also provide a scan of the following documents:

a) Passport photo page
b) Front page of your Tier 4 DES BRP card
c) Back page of your Tier 4 DES BRP card

Further information of the Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme can be found at our ISAS intranet web pages: https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/as/studentservices/international/working/t4-doctorate-extension-scheme.aspx

If the Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme is something that is of interest to you, please collect a Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme CAS request form from Student Enquiry Services in the Main Library. I will then collect your Tier 4 DES CAS request form and open a case file for you to monitor the stages of the Tier 4 DES process.

You will need to provide a photocopy of the following documents when submitting your Tier 4 DES CAS request form:

  1. Current passport photo page
  2. Current Tier 4 (General) visa (if your visa is in the form of a BRP card, a copy of the front and back is required)

I hope the above information is useful and has answered your query.

你们学校的international office应该知道如何办的吧。

有朋友有过类似的情况, 不能续签, 回国写论文和提交.

没看懂 为什么08月底?


直接问学校的international office。


提交 final corrections 之前去申请一个DES visa,可以有有一年时间,不过需要你的硕士证书,如果是国内的还要翻译,我刚申请的。

不知道你们学校是怎么规定的, 我们学校建议我去续签学生签证, DES 到等到提交最后一版论文之前再申请。

DES 和硕士没有一毛钱的关系。。。

有的学校是要求先交FINAL THESIS 再申请DES


你一个博士生都搞不懂的问题,我们怎么会搞懂呢,偷偷的告诉你,学校有international student office, 去问吧。

和MASTER 没有任何关系。。DES 只需要你是马上要毕业的博士

有的博士都没有MASTER 学位 呵呵。。。


感谢大家的帮助! 祝留英生活愉快!!

你现在应该续Tier 4 学生签证必须cover 到你改完论文。如果你是小修改给过,通常默认是三个月,所以你的签证时间是不够的。这种情况你不能申请DES。

楼主还在吗? 请问是怎么解决的。









the date you submitted your final version of thesis is not your award date…