面签通过,来报到了, 顺便分享我的面签和材料准备经历,希望能帮助大家顺利拿到签证。
材料准备方面,我把我的材料分为了三大类,第一类是基本材料;第二类是关于资金状况,这部分我又分了两个分部,一个是银行账户存款和雇佣状况,另一个你的住所问题。第三类是地址证明材料;当然我还附加了第四部分-其它补充材料。在整理材料顺序方面,大家也可以按照这个顺序。这四个部分是我写进COVERING LETTER的. 这里要说以下,我的申请表是电子录入,然后打印出来,所以收材料的人一看很清晰,再有COVER LETTER已经说明都有哪些材料,他大概看了以下就收了, 用时不到2分钟。具体请看以下材料清单:
I. Essential Documents
1). Completed SET(M) application form
2). Letter from applicant
3). Support letter from sponsor
4). Passport photographs (Applicant and Sponsor), suitably endorsed
5). Applicant’s current passport
6). Sponsor’s passport
7). Biometric Residence Permits Card
8). Applicant’s police registration certificate
9). Applicant’s the Pass Letter of Life in the UK Test
10). Applicant’s original degree certificate and transcript record, as evidence that I meet the English language requirement
11). Marriage certificate
II. Financial Maintenance Section
1). Bank Accounts and Employment
a. Joint savings account statement (6 months)
b. Applicant’s bank statements (6 months)
c. Sponsor’s bank statements (6 months)
d. Applicant’s Pay Slips and P60 (6 months)
e. Sponsor’s Pay Slips and P60 (6 months)
2). Accommodation
a. Property Title Deeds (my husband’s name)
b. The letter of the mortgage paid off from bank
(NOTE: 也许有些人看到Guidance里写的银行账单或工资单只提供最近三个月的,但如果你仔细读和搜索前人的帖子,上面说AT LEAST THE LAST 3 MONTHS. 因此,建议大伙还是准备6个月为妥, 让那些caserwork感觉你有足够的准备,随便你查。)
III. Cohabitation Evidence
1). Joint Saving Account Statement x 2 (Joint Name)
2). Letter for TV Licensing x 2 (Joint Name)
3). BT TV Bill x 1 (Sponsor’s name)
4). Bill for British Gas x 3 (Joint Name)
5). Council Tax Bill x 1 (Joint Name)
6). XXXX Home Insurance x 1 (Joint Name)
7). Letter of NHS x 2 (Applicant and Sponsors’ name on each one)
IV. Other Evidence
1). Photographs of the applicant and the sponsor (Holidays and travels, etc.)