
Dear friends,

We sincerely invite you and your family to join the Tzu Chi Joint Ceremony of Buddha Day, Mother’s Day and the 49th Tzu Chi Anniversary from 13:00 to 15:00 on Sunday 24th May at RNCM in Manchester. Please see the details as attached. All are welcome. Please forward to anyone who might be interested. Hope to see you there.

誠摯邀請您闔家及親友,一同於五月二十四日下午一點至三點,於曼徹斯特RNCM,參與慈濟佛誕節、母親節、全球慈濟日三節合一浴佛慶典,透過浴佛活動,感念佛恩、父母恩、眾生恩,以虔誠戒慎之心,響應淨心齋戒,參與浴佛典禮為己祝福、為天下社會祈祥和。 詳情請見附件。

Best wishes,
The volunteer team of Tzu Chi, Manchester