

1.是用FLR(M)04-15吧 ==#
2.Section 2 申请类别。
2.1 Please tick a box below to show us the category in which you are applying for an extension of stay in the UK and to confirm that you are also applying for a biometric immigration document.
问说你是那种类别昂。我应该是选第一个吧? Spouse of a person present and settled in the UK and a biometric immigration document. 这个吧?
2.2 Is this the first time you have applied for a visa or extension of stay in one of the above categories(including previous leave granted as a finance or proposed civil parter) with your current sponsor?
2.3 Please indicate what stage of extension of leave you are applying for or why you are choosing to extend your current leave in one of the above categories.
①First period of leave to remain (following an initial period of entry clearance as a partner of a settled person, or following an initial period of entry clearance as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner of a settled person - 6 months)
②Second period of leave to remain (following initial grant of leave to remain).
③You are making a first application from within the UK but have not previously had leave to enter/remain as a partner.

  1. 6.9 If relevant, have you lived together permanently in the UK with your sponsor since your last grant of limited leave to remain as a partner?
    好像是问如果相关的话,你上一次拿配偶签以后俩人 有没有住一起?(我俩住一起半年多了)但我应该是不relevant吧,因为我没拿过这种签证。那我是空着吗?
  2. 资金证明的category问题,刚看到有人因为这个被拒啦???好紧张!
    我俩都在英国工作了,准备俩人都算上才能超过18600。才参加工作,两个人都是hourly paid,工资单的话我是monthly payslip, 他是weekly payslip。
    我们是不是category A 啊?? 属于non-salaried employment吧?
  3. 12A关于准备材料。里面提到了6个source的问题。bill什么的我都有,会一起提交。但是这个是为了那个未婚伴侣签证和续签用的吧?那我用打勾吗?(怕他以为我搞错了申请类别?)

由于是自己弄的签证,看了很多材料,有关的问题大家也可以问我~~give notice啊结婚啊,准备材料什么的,都有点点了解哈~大家可以一起探讨一下!!
