[永久居留]热乎乎滴 life in the uk test 真题 2015年6月20日

考试前也参考了很多大侠的考试真题,昨天伦敦刚考完就赶紧来回报大家了,希望有所帮助,大家都顺利通过。:cn08: :cn15:

  1. http://www.testlifeinuk.com/
  2. http://www.theuktest.com/
  3. http://www.freelifeintheuktest.com/practice-tests



  1. Which followings are the two chambers of UK Parliament?
    House of Common
    House of Lords
  2. What is the minimum age of people to be sold tobacco legally? (18)
  3. 判断题 St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland. (True)
  4. What is the flower associated with English?


  1. 判断题 St Helena is British overseas territory so it is part of UK. (False)
  2. 判断题 English, Wales, Scotland vote fill in individually. (False)
  3. What court deals with minor crimes in England, Wales and Northern Ireland?
    Magistrates’ court
  4. Which following you should do if you wish to be a permanent resident or citizen of the UK?
    Respect the rights of others including their right to their own opinions
  5. 判断题 The National Anthem ‘God save the Queen’ is only played when the event is attended by the Queen. (False)
  6. The Black Death killed almost a third of population in the UK in 1348, it is probably a ( )?
    A Plague
  7. After the Education Act, which level of education became free?
  8. Where is Loch Lomond?
  9. In 1939 Hitler attacked Poland, then which War happened?
    The Second World War
  10. Which coin followings is not a UK coin?
  11. Which following is the national Church in Scotland?
    Presbyterian Church
  12. Britain’s navy fought against combined French and Spanish fleets, Nelson died in which battles followings in 1805?
    Battle of Trafalgar
  13. What are popular during 1960s in UK?
    pop music
  14. What is Hogmanay celebrates for?
    new year
  15. Which two were famous by Isambard Kingdom Brunel?
  16. Which two documents do you need to attend the interview for a National Insurance Number?
    Proof of identity
    Personal address
  17. During the ‘King James reign’ a new translation of Bible into English. What is the other name of this ‘King James Version’?
    The Authorised Version
  18. 判断题 The National Citizen Service programme is compulsory 16-17 years old people to take part in some outdoor activities, which can develop their skills and take part in a community project. (False)
  19. What is the competition name of the cricket matches played between England and Australia?
    The Ashes
  20. Easter takes place in which two months?
    March or April
  21. During the civil war in 1642, what were the king’s supporters called?
    The Cavaliers
  22. Which battle is commemorated in the Bayeux Tapestry?
    The Battle of Hastings
  23. There is a charity work to preserve important buildings, coastline and countryside in UK, What is the name of this charity?
    The National Trust
  24. The Welsh Assembly, the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly still have powers in which two by devolved administrations?





