life in the uk 回馈贴

个人觉得看书还是挺有用的,手机下载最新的版本就可以用了, 如果有时间的话, 就当做增加一些英国文化知识吧:victory: 如果没有时间的话可以做题 这个网址题型比较新
还记得之前有个大侠也发了一个帖子考试题型网址 大家搜一搜就出来了
很多都是common sense, 但是history 那几章节还是要过的, 特别是哪个battle 哪个人的,哪个时间。。。比较有历史意义的人物时间都得注意

business closed day is bank holiday
撒切尔夫人is famous for first female prime minister in the history
new year - hogmanay in scotland
Roger Bannister is the first man in the world to run a mile in under 4 minutes
St Andrew is 30/11个人感觉4个节日的知识点必考
1066 William battle of Hastings
Roman French and Anglo-saxon —English
Glorious Revolution – William orange and Mary
Victorian age government policy to encourage free trade: abolish taxes on imports
Eden project in Cornwall
King Charles is king of wales
Germany invaded Poland in 1939
National trust protects building …
Scotland bank note is valid everywhere in the uk
commonwealth definition: is an association between member countries to develop…
west end of london is for theater
Elizabeth I is protestant not the catholic

很多题目都是作题看书中见过了,就看当时想不想得起来了,不要太早看书, 看一遍花不了多长时间的。。。
就记得这些了,考试只花了我15-20分钟就出来,等我打电话给LG他都不可思议了,出去的时候把旁边的啊叉大婶给吓坏了;P , 而且偶还triple check了:lol
个人经验, good luck to everyone, trust yourself:cn08:

2分26秒出来的 你 考了16分钟?


从开始答题 到完城 2:26,没有检查 太简单了


