Reception phonics 有啥好建议?


We used Reading eggs when my son at pre-school which we all quite enjoyed and still use this app for reading and math.

At school, they use Jolly phonics which again a very good system but most materials are not online (books, flash cards etc.) and will cost you fortune to buy everything.

BBC alphablocks programme is also very good for pre school , you can watch from bbc iplayer, you tube or buying the DVDs

Another material schools use I heared is oxford reading tree, this is similar to jolly phonics and is more for school teacher.

But to be honest, you don’t need to particularly worry about teaching kid at home for this as once they start school they will grap it in no time. What you can do is use this as revision.

Thanks.Is Reading egg app free?

看youtube,記得找英國的 (歌曲+動作加強記憶) (標準發音) (看phase 2, phase 3…etc學習目的是什麽)



谢谢各位。不好意思,Jasmine 128 ,拼写错了。

同求phonics的video最好有配口型的,youtube上太多不靠谱的,RP english能搞出美式音标


Phonics play 你试试,挺好,就是娃没耐性,一会就不干了。