给导师写 email 投诉组员。。。。大家帮我看一下我口气是否有点软。。。

我们一个组六个人。。。最后除了一名组员帮我写了 intro 其余的全部是我一个人写的。。
她的投诉 cc 给了我, 我看了觉着和她比口气差远了。下面是我写的。。。

Dear xxx:

It is with regret that I’m writing this email to you today, but I would like to bring to your attention to some of the difficulties our group has had.

I am well aware of the importance of group work and welcome our school’s decision to include it as part of the module. However, successful group work requires everyone’s willingness to work together, bring out the talent and gift of the entire team. Sadly, that wasn’t the case.

That being said, our team’s problem stars from the top, with our team manager whom didn’t even want to contribute towards the report. Calls were made; countless texts were sent with no reply. With combined contribution of an abstract that could not be used (Harry xxx), only parts of the EM methodology (Jake xxx) and nothing at all from Daniel xxx. I would appreciate the final mark to be reflected as such if possible.

This being said; I have gained valuable experience and knowledge from partaking in this group work and it has better equipped me for the up coming exam. It was just very unfortunate that some of my colleagues didn’t want to prosper from this as well. Finally I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read this email.




Hi xxx,

This email is basically a follow up to what me and shyen discussed with you the other day about a number of our group contributing essentially nothing to our report. This is in regards to the meetings we arranged throughout the process, the fieldwork days and the write up. Throughout the process, all the meetings and talks about the writing were instigated by shyen and I, with nobody else seeming bothered and sometimes just ignoring our messages.

The plan for the write up was to assign each person a certain amount to do and send by a certain time but it ended up being myself and shyen writing the vast majority of it, with one member (jake) only sending his relatively small section the night before the deadline; this turned out to be the wrong section, meaning we had to wait till this morning (13th) to put it all together. Originally we had asked everyone for their section on Friday 8th, felix was able to meet this deadline but jake repeatedly ignored messages and only replied on Tuesday 12th to say that he had not yet written any of it, bearing in mind it was only one part of the methodology, so no more than a couple of paragraphs.

We feel like the quality of the report has been seriously impacted by the fact that there were essentially only 2 of us trying to do the work meant for 6 of us. Also because the small sections that were contributed were late and had to be rewritten, re-referenced and reorganised to make them an acceptable standard, which put a lot of pressure on us and created more work.

The group members that seriously lacked in contribution are:

Harry xxx
Jake xxx
Daniel xxx

Overall, Daniel has contributed absolutely nothing to this report. He has written zero words and we haven’t been able to speak to him or get him to come to our work sessions as he has been in America, and as far as I know, still is.

Harry xxx is one who will claim he did a lot of the work, but in reality did very little and spent time complaining about the others when he was doing the exact same thing as they were. What he did write consisted of no more than a short paragraph, which in the end wasn’t even used due to it being irrelevant and completely lacking in genuine content. Although he said he didn’t want to end up doing nothing, this was the case; myself and shyen do not feel that turning up a day before the deadline to write a few lines and a somewhat unnecessary finance table, is an acceptable contribution.

I apologise for the seemingly blunt and harsh nature of this email, however both myself and shyen feel very strongly that it is just not fair for the majority of our group to get away with not contributing to a master’s piece of coursework. Personally I also feel its a massive shame that this is the way that the report has gone, as it could have benefited the whole group in terms of understanding of the subject and revision. It is unfortunate that the other members of the group were not motivated enough to see this.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


It is with regret that I’m writing this email to you today, but I would like to bring to your attention (删掉 to) some of the difficulties our group (删掉 has) had.

I am well aware of the importance of group work and (welcome 换成 agree with) our school’s decision to include it as part of the module. However, successful group work requires everyone’s willingness to work together, to bring out the talent and gift of the entire team. Sadly, that (wasn’t 换成 was not) the case.

That being said, our team’s problem (stars 换成 started) from the top, with our team (manager 换成 leader) (whom 换成 who) didn’t even want to contribute towards the report. Calls were made (without being answered); countless texts were sent with no reply. With combined contribution of an abstract that could not be used (Harry xxx), only parts of the EM methodology (Jake xxx) and nothing at all from Daniel xxx. I would appreciate the final mark to be reflected as such if possible.

This being said; I have gained valuable experience and knowledge from partaking in this group work and it has better equipped me for the (up coming 换成 upcoming) exam. It was just very unfortunate that some of my colleagues didn’t want to prosper from this as well. Finally I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read this email.

窃以为另外那个哥们说中了要害 就是他了 :cn08:


Caitlin speaks better English:shutup:

写的不错,说实话We get this type of emails all the time.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 一般我们的回答是Thank you for letting me know about this. I assure you that we have robust procedures to assess the module individually even it is group work. :lol


it looks fine, we know what you are saying.
those lazy fuck deserves a lesson.

另外那位已经写得很具体了,她把恶人当了,你就委婉表达下就好了,挺好的 {:5_142:}


昨天看come dine with me,感觉跟看你的信差不多感受。

我们系,如果论文是group work,会有个人的presentation, Q&A, 给个人打分。这样,对论文了解贡献大的,可能表现好,得分高。没怎么参与写论文的,不知所以然,得分会低


这事情有可能会back fired,写email的这两个人也有可能会被看成trouble maker,不知道如何和其它group member合作,因为她们写的没有任何evidence来support,如果写email的这两个人能够提供所有group meeting的minutes以及report的草稿来支持她们的claim那还有点用。 {:5_137:}


我估计他们没有meeting minutes

其实要证据很简单,如果楼主和那个女生没有把最后的report都发给其他几个组员,那么导师要求其他三个人把report发给他就知道到底谁真话谁假话了。不是短信不回电话不接么,这个都可以有证据来证明。我觉得除非是事儿逼,谁乐意打小报告啊。。所以不能直接说他们back fired.




最重要的是这个module的设计里面就应该有办法来识别individual contribution,区分不同学生的成绩不能靠group member之间撕逼来解决,作为group work一般来说和其它组员的合作team work的能力应该是assessment的criterion之一。从我的观点来看,小组出现撕逼就在team working这方面要降分了。 {:5_142:}

我更喜欢你朋友的邮件, 直接了当。 你说那么多团队工作的重要性, 我觉得都是废话, 老师不知道么? 教授们都是大忙人, 看到这种废话的邮件,印象一下子就没那么好了, 觉得你是个多事的主。 我觉得外国人对‘投诉’认为是很正常的维权的事, 不需要交代什么的, 投诉谁, 为什么投诉,你什么感觉, 直截了当的, 中国人写东西总喜欢太婉转, 有时候外国人看完了都不确定你到底想说什么。

另外, 楼主不是自己一个人投诉, 而是有证人。 再者, 那3个人不回复信息, 也是轻而易举的证据。 很多中国人总是担心外国人觉得他们事多, 其实你太婉转才会让外国人觉得事多。 只要是好的大学, 这种事都会认真对待的, 而且好的教授, 也更喜欢直接了当的交代。

最后, 根据信中的话, 好像楼主或者你朋友已经跟导师面谈过了?是他说要你写正规的邮件来投诉的? 如果是这样的话就更该直接入主题了。