Search 的结果出来了,有些问题想请教大家

Local search的结果今天出来了,有三点问题想请教大家:

  1. 房子本身在1996年做了一个厨房的extension, 但是根本没有许可(现在已经20年了,也许就不能追责了?),而且建了7米长(是semi detached房子)。这样的话我们买这个房子,要承担这个责任吗?是不是必须得拆掉呢?

  2. Please be advised that if you plan to make any alterations, demolitions and/or improvements on the property it would be prudent to discuss the same with the local authority first. The property has been identified as being situated in an area covered by a Local Development Framework.
    这个local development framework是干什么的?对我们将来要建extension会有影响吗?

  3. Please note that the Environmental search reveals that the site or an area in close proximity is considered to have the potential for groundwater flooding to occur at the surface. 这一条要紧么?可能会有什么影响?


  1. 20年以上才不会追究责任。要让卖家买indemnity insurance,这样以后如果有法律纠纷,产生的费用有保险支付

  2. 不清楚

  3. 看以前有没有洪水记录,没有的话,没什么问题



:cn03: :cn15: 是20年,我说错了