想问下宝妈们,有没有购买和使用过 mamas&papas 家推车的经验啊?还有关于新生儿前几个月出门的问题。

想问下宝妈们,有没有购买和使用过 mamas&papas 家推车的经验啊,最近对他家的 Urbo2 :heavy_plus_sign:carrycot 套餐 挺心动的,但是看坛子里很多说质量不太好,又有些担心。

我家娃 10月中到货,头六个月基本是冬天,所以觉得,如果出门去park透气,逛超市商场啥的,carrycot 挺有用。不知道大家的宝娃一般6个月前出门的机会多不多?是不是一定要使用carrycot。如果只是逛超市的话,搁0+的car seat里面是不是也可以。



我用MM PP Solar 还行。Carry Cot 只用了几个月,等孩子能坐了就不用了。座椅可以放平躺的,如果孩子睡着了。你最好看看后备箱能不能放下折叠之后的车架再决定买,因为我觉得折叠之后还是占地方。等孩子大点我想换折叠不超过手提行李尺寸的。

这么快有人回复 太好了。
urbo2在店里试过,放后备箱绰绰有余,多谢提醒。carrycot 也是打算 刚生下来过冬用的,特意关注了是否可以放平的座椅了,就是怕冬天冷不保暖,才想或许需要carrycot,不知道考虑的对不对。

我觉得carry cot很有用,有了它你就能把孩子当大件行李,完全不影响你们出行,在外面玩一整体都没问题。只有汽车座椅的话,出门时间就不能太长,担心孩子太累。

Depends on how much you will being going out. I start going out from 3 days, and have travelled around UK by the time my DS is 6-month. Including taking him on a 6-hour train to Edinburgh with 1 change.

Love our Armadillo flip xt. Sturdy and spacial, easy to push single-handed. We did have a carry-cot, Which is an excellent idea looking back. I will not leave my DS in a car seat over 1 hour when he was small, and still not over 1.5 hours now (he is 13 months). For winters, you can have a look if they have cocoons, a simple version of carry-cot. A little bit like footmuff. but more cosy.

Try Armadillo flip if you intend to use only in the city. Personally I will prefer xt even in the city.

我个人觉得carrycot很需要,特别你还在冬天,car seat只能坐躺一个半小时左右,但是Car seat不能180度平躺,而且没有什么遮挡,冬天会冷,6个月前小孩需要平躺,如果不能平躺会对小孩脊柱不好。我就是在mamas&papas买的bugaboo c3,是带carrycot的,觉得他家服务还可以,当时参加活动买满1000就立减了200。

太好了 增加了我 添加carrycot的信心

终于又有人肯定 mamas&papas家小推车的质量了,多谢你的信息,flip XT 也有考量,我家娃爸是颜控,一眼看上urbo2,我又研究了一下两者的区别:
urbo2 比flip xt 重1kg 多,
flip xt 单手收车, urbo2 需要双手。
flip xt 轮子更大,更能胜任不平滑的路面。其实两者都是为city 设计的。urbo2似乎在凸造型上胜一筹。
flip xt 没有 bumper,urbo2有 bumper,bumper的作用很大嘛?

另外,cocoon 是放在 carrycot 里面的还是放在座椅上的呢? 多谢啦

多谢,carrycot +1, 不知你说的活动一般什么时候有呀?,目前好像没有呢。

In term of bumper, that is the only one negative thing about flip. I think it’s better to have one, but I don’t think I will trade off the convenience and space for a bumper.

I am very happy about the quality. We travel a lot, and certainly fly a lot . Because of my husband’s work, I need to travel alone with our DS most of the time. I can’t fault its reliability, sturdiness, and convenience.

Cocoons are fitted on the pushchair seat, like a footmuff. It’s a simplified version of carry-cot. I can fold the whole pushchair single-handed with the footmuff in, so will expect cocoons are working just as well. Although I will still prefer a carry-cot.

前两周就有,他们家叫parent to be event。满500减75,1000减200,然后类推。买的越多越划算。


我买的是solar,因为娃是最热的时候出生的所以没有买carry cot,我们也不是经常出远门所以就更用不上了。不过感觉冬天的时候应该还是很有必要的。 车子质量一般,做工挺粗糙的,不过能用。主要还是看自己的budget吧。我们家的车是宝马3系,折叠起来能放进去,不过没多少空间剩下了

We have got the armadillo flip xt too, still happy with it now after 11 months. It is compact, relatively light weight, good and sturdy wheels, one hand fold, easy to steer. We didn’t buy the carrycot, we bought the cocoon instead, and used it as a carrycot. The pram can lie flat so it is very similar to a carrycot except that you can’t take it off the pram while baby is asleep. I personally didn’t have many occasions that I need to take the baby out while she was asleep, I simply let her sleep in the pram until she wakes. Baby was very cosy in it and we are still using the cocoon as footmuff now.

