请问英国 有什么 好的医疗保险,可以 报销国内看病的?


买英国的保险走英国的PRIVATE 医疗很快的,不需要等。为啥还要回国做手术回英国CLAIM?

你有什么Private的医疗保险?公司给买的,还是要先去看GP, 由GP决定是看Private,还是NHS.





我去年8月摸到下腹部有个肿块,给GP打了电话告诉她我有INSURANCE,可以走PRIVATE。当天就BOOK了私人医院的CONSULTANT。所有的CT,MRI 10天内做完,手术也是安排在4周内。对于我这种回国要办VISA的,这种医疗速度让我觉得已经很有安全感了。


你去找GP说我要走私立,GP 当天马上给你开referal letter, 现在GP 巴不得你去私立呢, 因为现在GP要管钱了, 所以你去私立他最省事, 即不花钱也不用着急。

根本不会出现GP还要想想要不要给你referral letter这种事情。

Once you have referral letter in hand, it usually takes less than 48 hours for private hospital to arrange a consultant to see you , unless you would like to see a particular one.


英国private保险也有很多种,公司给买的也都不一样,有的outpatient有限额,我们原来的就只有1000榜,随便两个检查就超了,但腰疼啥的做phsio还是很好的。如果LZ市慢性病,既往疾病啥的,没保险管的。体检这边一般不主张作的,血脂血糖啥的,找GP就可以,其他的体检英国是不主张做的。 手术之类的,根据保险条款,最终批准权在保险公司的。 大病NHS会管,要是要命的病,自己拿钱也要做啊,保险就不重要了。私人保险自己买要看有没有claim限制,简而言之,保险公司不是慈善机构,多看看是不是合适自己

Speaking from my personal experience, I haven’t been disappointed by the private route of medical care.
I had a small procedure done this spring.
My GP gave me a referral on the day I saw her. I met the consultant three days after and had the operation (including a full anaesthesia) done within a week following the initial consultation.
The whole process lasted just about 10 days.
We were covered by Bupa’s comprehensive scheme.

But of course my condition to be treated hadn’t been life threatening.
And I was quite lucky to have found a consultant who, despite being truly reputable and thoroughly recommended, was able to find me a cancellation and a theatre slot at short notice when I requested to have the operation done ASAP.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the wait would be slightly longer under different circumstances, depending on the patient, the type of procedure and how busy the consultant is.
Whatever the case, I’ve never heard of complaints about having to wait using private medical care.

I am considering to use private medical. Wondering which insurance company you are using? {:5_141:}

We were covered by Bupa’s comprehensive scheme which, judging by the hassle free services we received, would be one of their top schemes, offered by the employer.

There’re many private health insurers out there, such as Aviva, AXA, Vitality, to name just a few.
And each of them offers a huge variety of schemes.
For buying it personally, I’d suggest using some of the comparison sites to choose a suitable scheme for your needs and budget.
Things to watch out for include in-patient/day-patient limits, out-patient limits, various benefits, physio/psychiatric coverage, travel insurance, hospital lists and annual excess.
I’d suggest paying attention to the hospital lists to make sure if and when you need to use the scheme (God forbid) the hospital is within easy access.

我老公公司给员工买的保险, 好象是Vitality, 也保家属. 去年我回国,突然生病,手术住院一周. 竟然全部claim回来了. 挺意外的.

这个不是应该走travel insurance 吗

楼上那个就是travel insurance 跟其他人讲的两回事

