

Children whose parents both go out to work develop faster than those with stay-at-home mothers

  • Children with stay-at-home mothers are less advance than their peers
  • Nurseries deliver a 10 per cent positive impact on everyday skills
  • Children are often exposed to more stimulating activities at nursery
    Children of working mothers develop faster than those who stay at home, a study has found.

Going to nursery or spending time with grandparents improved everyday skills such as talking, social interaction and tasks such as getting dressed.

In contrast, those with mothers who stayed at home were less advanced, scientists at Oxford University and the London School of Economics suggest.
Going to nursery or spending time with grandparents improved everyday skills such as talking, social interaction and tasks such as getting dressed.

The study tested children against four measures of development and found that children whose mothers were not working had lower capabilities.

In fact, researchers found it had a five per cent negative impact on both their everyday and social skills.

Meanwhile, attending nursery delivered a 10 per cent positive impact on everyday skills while more time with grandparents led to a five per cent boost in talking and 10 per cent better social skills.

Laurence Roope, of Oxford University, who co-wrote the paper, said it was clear time spent in day care had a ‘strongly positive effect’ on children.

‘It should give parents some reassurance that nurseries are not going to harm their children, and are likely to be beneficial,’ he said.

'It seems that what is important is engaging in interactive activities. It could be there is a trade-off. Going out to work brings in more money for the family, which leads to more financial security and the ability to partake in more activities. Those with mothers who stayed at home were less advanced.

‘But it might mean that the bond between parent and child is not as great, particularly if the parent is tired or stressed.’

The researchers said children were often exposed to more stimulating activities at nurseries and interacted with both new children and adults.

The report, based on a survey of more than 800 mothers by the German Socio-Economic Panel, found the benefits of nursery seemed to increase as children spent more time there.

Reading and visiting other families was found to improve speech capabilities while singing songs and arts and crafts seen to have a positive impact on dexterity.

It asked about their socio-economic status and their children’s progress at age two and three, using questions such as 'Can your child cut pieces of paper with scissors?

‘It’s very important for policymakers to support working mothers through flexible working and providing good quality nurseries,’ Roope added.

Higher-education among mothers also played a role but having older parents was disadvantageous to children, when assessed against all four criteria.

Professor Paul Anand, the report’s lead author, said it showed that different activities promote different skills.

Laura Perrins, co-editor of The Conservative Woman website and an advocate for stay-at-home-mothers, said the report made it seem mothers cannot be trusted with their children.

‘One wonders how so much human progress has been made so far without children being in nursery,’ she told The Telegraph. ‘Although, I note, little is said about emotional development,’ she added.

谢谢龙哥,不内疚,妈妈的榜样是无穷的;孩子是家庭的一部分而不是above everything; 妈妈不快乐,全家也不会快乐。


我也看到了,和媳妇讨论,媳妇说: 母亲工作的家庭通常来说母亲工作还不会太差,否则经济上不划算。 至少母亲受教育程度和智商都不会太差。。。。

其实讨论母亲是不是工作完全missing the point,关键是要培养孩子的独立性,不工作的母亲时间比较充足所以管孩子的事情比较多,什么事情都是妈妈安排好了,孩子自然就不需要发展自己的能力,和母亲的智商学历关系应该不大。 {:5_137:}

我们看法正好相反,不工作的母亲要做很多家务,管孩子时间就少了,也因为总在一起,也不在乎浪费点时间。 孩子被祖父母管,或者在幼儿园都是专职的,不需要有家务的时间,加上双职工和孩子在一起有新鲜感,也有补偿孩子成分,下班和周末几乎全部是孩子的时间。实际上孩子得到的关注和时间要多些。 这都是从概率来说,具体到个体就没有任何正确性。


龙哥也爱看dailymail 啊 {:5_137:}


但老大开始上小学以后我就不淡定了,没办法监督他写字和读书。只能每天送他去学校的路上边开车边跟他学拼字……以后还要教他数学……所以是很认真地在思考要改成part time工作了,不是不上班,是把每天的时间从8小时减少到6小时这样子,希望明年下半年能实施……


这么大孩子,home work不能超过半个小时,学校一般建议15分钟,我建议两个15分钟。

他们睡着以后我的时间就很多。但是我回到家到他们睡下的时间很难挤出半小时。因为老大不吃饭老二也要吃饭。而且老二根本就不会leave me a lone。我在哪他就粘到哪。爸爸过去抱走他他直接又摔奶嘴又扇爸爸巴掌的,还满地打滚。根本不能好好的跟老大讲话了。冬天和下雨天很难,夏天还能让爸爸拽走他到外面走走逛逛。冬天必须在屋里啊……







不在意,你说的很准确,娃爹是没地位,因为我很生气。MD,忠告未婚女孩子们,文科男真的不能要!!! {:5_131:}



我也是每天下班就急着往回赶,接上孩子回到家又急着做饭吃饭,然后孩子就该睡觉了。。。我一般都是做简餐,基本30-40分钟搞定,吃完饭收拾洗刷都是我老公的事。。。但是他不能那么早回来,一般都是他进门我们开饭。所以我换房子首要的一条就是厨房要大,至少能放下一个桌子,这样我做饭的时候可以顺带让女儿写写字什么的。不然还要厨房餐厅隔空喊话。。。我每天去after school club接她都是最后那几个。。我还是挺羡慕放学就能回家的孩子的。。。她有时候眼巴巴看着同学都被爸爸妈妈接走,自己却要继续留在学校会有点不开心。希望大一点学校课后活动多一些能好一点。


你这时间已经很宽松了!回家还挺早的,主要问题是怎么manage两个孩子的时间。。我们家13个月就开始一周五天早7:30 - 晚6:00,工作日从没在家吃过早饭。。。爸爸送我负责接,6点多到家,7点吃饭,8点之前洗澡上床睡觉,完全军队作息啊。。。