

就是不用别的公司,自己来管理。 实例: 每月公司的百分比,和你的百分比,加上政府的贡献的税率,三股力量加在一起, 投入到你自己选择的股票或基金。

哦,谢谢,那self employed咋弄好呢

自雇的话就太灵活了。各种方法来利用退休金来积累。要看你的具体情况,比如你的个人情况,是在英国居住还是外国常住,有没有资格开退休金,公司情况,比如是老板的话就直接开一个director pension可以投资更多产品。 建议你和你的财务公司谈一谈, 具体情况具体分析。

很简单的说,就是自己管理投资基金,投资那个基金自己选择,然后把投资包装在pension里面,投资pension的钱不需要交税,给你提供sipp服务的公司会去hmrc把你交的税要回来的,就算不交税的人,一年也可以投资最多2880,然后要来20%的tax relief。

2880, 是不是说:如果before tax income 15000, 再减去2880, taxable 12120 ?

director pension是只为老板自己的么?



楼上问题太多了,这个要写不少文字解答的。 你自己去 这两家看看SIPP 基本答案都在。 然后选一个开户。

我用youinvest 一年100管理费

Advantages of SIPPS

  • SIPPs enforce saving discipline until retirement (since you cannot withdraw your money early.)
  • You receive tax relief upfront from the government when you make contributions, which can feel like the government is giving you money to save for your retirement
  • If you’re a taxpayer, you can contribute as much as 100% of your annual earnings into a pension, up to a maximum of £50,000 a year.
  • All the income you receive and all your capital gains are exempt from tax.
  • When you retire, you have the option of taking up to 25% of the value of your fund as a tax-free lump sum.
  • SIPPs are more suited for higher-rate taxpayers.
  • You can transfer your account between providers.
  • You are likely to pay less tax in retirement than while you are working. This means high earners get 40% tax relief up front on their contributions but will probably only pay 20% tax on their pension income in retirement.
  • When you die, your SIPP value is protected from Inheritance Tax.
  • You do not have to retire from work to take benefits from your SIPP. Under current government legislation, you can begin taking benefits at any age from 55.
  • From age 55, you can take your benefits in stages (both income and tax-free lump sum). This is known as phased retirement.
  • From age 55, income can be taken in the form of:
  1. Drawdown Pension
  2. Annuity (Secured Pension)
  3. Combination of Drawdown Pension and Annuity
  • Flexible Drawdown will allow some individuals the opportunity to withdraw as little or as much income from their pension fund as they choose as and when they need it. (You have to declare that you are already receiving a secure pension income of at least £20,000 a year and have finished saving into pensions.)
    Disadvantages of SIPPS
  • Even though recently simplified, they can seem complicated for many investors.
  • You get no access to your money until you are 55.
  • You can only take 25% of the pension fund value directly free of tax, while the rest must be taken as a monthly ‘taxable’ income.
  • There are restrictions on drawing an income in retirement. You either have to buy an annuity–and rates are the lowest they have been in years–or you draw income directly via drawdown. The GAD rate by which income drawdown limits are set has dropped to low levels.
  • The maximum amount of income you can take as income is subject to government restrictions. The current capped drawdown limit is 100% but this will be raised to 120% from April 6, 2014.
  • The amount of money you can build up in a SIPP is called ‘lifetime allowance’ and for the 2012-2013 tax year, this limit is £1.5 million. If your fund has a value above £1.5 million, the excess will be subject to a tax charge of 25% and a possible lump sum levy of 55%.
  • The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced in his 2012 Autumn Statement that the maximum lifetime allowance amount would be cut from £1.5 million to £1.25 million.
  • SIPPs are vulnerable to change. The government has become very fond of changing the rules on pensions in recent years. That means legislation could change during the period your money is locked away.
  • The benefits of tax relief on contributions are largely offset by the income tax paid on pension income.



2880是对没有收入低没有income tax的人而言的。对交tax的人来说,交完pension contribution以后声下的才算税。