

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your kind reminder. We have finished reading the papers that you have provided thus far and also the search reports (although the local authority search report is awaited). We have the following further enquiries:

  1. The environmental report reveals that the property is in an area where there is a significant risk of pluvial flooding. Has such flooding ever occurred in the area and if so, how often has it happened? Has your client ever been informed of an increase in the buildings insurance premium as a result?

  2. The report also reveals that the property is in an area where certain properties may be affected by moderate to high risks of natural ground subsidence. Therefore, has your client ever been informed of an increase in the buildings insurance premium as a result?

  3. The property falls within 500 metres of the Crossrail 1 route - Did your client or his predecessors receive any notices or other communication in that regard? If so, please provide copies or details;

  4. Have you applied for the freeholder’s licence to assign? We look forward to receiving the draft licence to assign.

  5. Has your client or his predecessors made any changes to the layout of the property?

  6. The managing agent indicates that we should obtain copies of all correspondence and notices in respect of the Section 20 Notice served in connection with the proposed major works. Please therefore provide copies of all communication received and sent in that regard.

  7. Referring to the major works again - the managing agent indicates that these will cost over £180,000 but the reserve fund appears to be rather small and certainly would not be sufficient to cover. How much will be attributable to this flat? Please provide any further information that your client should have received more recently.

  8. There is likely to be a balancing charge and we therefore ask for a retention of £500 to be held until the accounts for the years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 have been finalized. Please provide a draft retention provision to be inserted in the contract. We are happy to provide a draft for your approval if you prefer.

  9. The managing agent says that there was a leak in November 2016, which affected three flats and drainage problems caused flooding in another flat - Was your client’s flat involved?

  10. The replies to management enquiries were completed in Dec 2016 - Please obtain the managing agent’s if any updated information should be added thereto;

  11. Please provide us with your undertaking that you will discharge all service charge arrears on completion and provide us with a clear receipt.

  12. Please ask the managing agent to provide an up to date insurance schedule as the one previously supplied has now expired.

  13. Please confirm that your client will be responsible for all fees in connection with the licence to assign and any deed of covenant that our clients may be required to sign.


我们律师什么也不管啊。search report也只是寄给我看看而已。



也能pm我一下吗 多谢多谢 麻烦啦 {:5_136:}



过于纠缠细节的律师不一定适合从中国转了很多钱过来的case。 {:5_142:}


成龙大哥,您看我像大陆土豪么 {:5_145:} 我跟大叔一样都是1p1p在英国的血汗钱啊 {:5_146:}





6跟7主要是谈major work的。但是不是所有的lease hold flat都存在这种问题啊?

你可以指示律师说不需要问这么多,赶紧exchange 和 complete。但建议你不要,因为exchange完你就有义务一定要买,否则损失10%押金。房子如果真的有问题,修的钱非常多,尤其是英国很多老房子,公寓也一样。如果你和律师提前沟通过,要赶那8周时间,负责任的律师(感觉你的是)会注意时间表。如果是卖方不配合导致超过8周,交易不成功,我觉的问题在卖方,而不是你律师。因为现在欺负外国人买房子不懂行情的卖方很多。另外,退欧之后基本是买方市场,卖方故意制造紧张气息也有可能。你没有买方中介吗?如果自己来管理流程,要多做些准备工作。房子不比别的,买到手不好没有后悔药吃,当然钱多不怕的算我白说。

谢谢你的回复。刚收到律师来信,major work要cost 8000. 这是很大一笔钱了。律师建议让卖家付其中一些。我现在担心卖家不肯。正常来说,卖家是不是应该承担就一部份费用的?

成龙大哥,你的关注应验了。刚收到律师的信,说会face有8000镑的major work。律师建议让卖家付一部分。现在我很担心卖家不同意。这种情况正常来讲,卖家是不是应该付一些呢?如果直接付现金给我,我觉得肯定是行不通了。如果在房价上讲些来一些,你觉得可行吗?但我是mortgage buyer。

谢谢成龙大哥这么快回复我。刚跟律师电话了,律师说会要求8000镑的allowance从最后付deposit时扣下来。现在只能finger cross了。但我觉得8000镑应该不会接受。成龙大哥,你说最少多少可以在接受范围内呢。另外卖家真的很黑心了,这封信是去年4月就收到了,都没有通知下
