我去年咨询过国内的地级市负责签证的老同学,说大使馆护照剪角, 办签证,都不是退籍手续。必须去办退籍证, 如果不办, 摊上事,还是会按照中国公民对待的 (请大家看我老帖子)。另外告诉大家,退籍从开始申请到办下来最少要一年。
今天看gov.uk, 应该是最近更新的,英国政府说了,中国不承认双重国籍,是不承认你的英国国籍,你只要中国生的和中国人生的,你都是中国公民,就算你拿英国护照入境。除非你正式办了退籍证,还要带着才算。
现在很明确了,让你交175镑签证的时候你是英国人。拿着英国护照和签证回中国,你也就是一个没有任何权利的中国人。这招就是一个改版的默认双国籍, 既能保证外交部的收入,又可以以国内法整治外逃贪官或政治对手(李波,薄谷),实在是很高,这和暂住证异曲同工啊,只是贵了很多而已。其他不能多说了,想想看,这公平吗?
China doesn’t recognise dual nationality. Any person born in China to a Chinese national parent will be considered by the authorities to have Chinese nationality. If you have both British and Chinese nationality you may be treated as a Chinese citizen by local authorities, even if you enter China on your British passport. If this is the case, the British Embassy may not be able to offer you consular assistance. If you’ve formally renounced Chinese citizenship, you should carry evidence that you have done so. See Local Laws and Customs