
同学们,这里人多热闹, 问个问题。 本人几年前入了英籍。 一直没有机会回国,今年准备回国过圣诞节, 也要考察一下国内的市场。 所以开始在办中国签证。 我有中国身份证和护照。也有英国护照。 看官网上的说明, 我需要申请q1 签证, 我想问一下,需要在国内的父母提供以下材料? 现在还有2年的签证嘛? 最近有人办这个签证了吗? 谢谢!

For family reunion, the following documents are required:
(1) An invitation letter provided by a Chinese citizen or a foreign citizen with a Chinese permanent residence permit to live in China. The invitation letter should contain:
a) Information of the applicant (incl. full name, gender, date of birth, passport number, etc.);
b) Information regarding the visit (incl. purpose of visit, intended arrival date, intended place(s) to stay,intended duration of stay, relationship between the applicant and the inviting party, and details of any financial support to be provided during the stay in China);
c) Information of the inviting party (incl. name, contact telephone number, address, signature of individual).
(2) Photocopy of Chinese IDs or foreign passports and permanent residence permits provided by the inviting party.

(3) Original and photocopy of certification (marriage certificate, birth certificate or notarized certification of kinship) showing the relationship of family members (spouses, parents, sons, daughters, spouses of sons or daughters, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandsons, granddaughters and parents-in-law) between the applicants and inviting parties.




嗯, 好吧, 那我自己打印出邀请函, 但是他们人都在国内,怎么签字? 我替他们签字? 谢谢大哥 {:5_142:}

我是自己邮箱a email 自己邮箱b, 用我爸的名义给自己写一封邀请信,大意就是女儿啊,爹想你,快点回家看看爹吧。打印出来,没签字,通过。



谢谢! 知道了! {:5_143:}
