律师发的land registartion 等等材料邮寄丢了怎么办? 

如题。说5月多就邮寄了,也没听他们说起过。最近打电话问起来才说他们那边记录显示5月底就发了。可是我没有收到阿。难道这种信件不应该是用signed for 服务吗?或者通知本人去取? 不理解。。。 现在丢了怎么办呢? 律师说到时候卖房子的时候可以


{:5_129:} 居然没用recorded mail寄呀!

Do not worry. That happens to me as well. Ask your solicitor to certify the copies of the documents they sent to you (i.e. write a letter for you). They should have copies for all documents.

是关于water serach, local search, building regs, Fensa cert, Brith gas checklist, NHBC 等等。 律师找回了scanned copies 发给我了,这样可以吗? 下次如果卖的时候会有问题吗?
