remortgage 才发现以前现金买入的房子land registry 被加了restriction

买新房需要把原来现金买入的旧房子remortgage 付首付。新房手续差不多办好了,突然接到remortgage 银行律师来信说,title Land registry 有restriction ,必须解除才可以remortgage。旧房子是全额现金买的,没有贷款,为什么会有restriction 呢? 以前没仔细研究过,翻出以前律师的邮件,才看到一条

RESTRICTION: No disposition by a sole proprietor of the registered estate (except a trust corporation) under which capital money arises is to be registered unless authorised by an order of the court.

Remortgage 律师we note from your title register that there is a restriction on your property which shows another person has an interest in it. It Is more often the case that when a property is transferred the restriction is left on in error.

怎么才能查出这个restriction 具体是什么内容? 原律师怎么能在本人不知情不授权的情况下设限? 过了好几年了,再找回原买房律师他们不认帐怎么办呢? 也不可能找出我们原来的转帐账单证明我们全额付律师现金没有其他贷款。这严重影响买新房的进程。

对比另一个有贷款的房子的land registry,restriction 注明了贷款银行的名称。这个全额现金买入的房子,restriction 没有显示具体什么方有利益。难道律师可以凭空注册别人享有我们出钱的房子的利益还不用我们认可? 如果律师不认账讹我们怎么办呢?这是卖房中介竭力推荐的律师

Might be the property is tied to a will.

你律师不是说了么“It Is more often the case that when a property is transferred the restriction is left on in error. ”

