Heater 设定时间问题

最近天气冷了。要开heater 想知道大家在家里 heater 都是怎么设定时间的 省能源的


24小时开,设定20度。温度达到,暖气自己关的。 如果开几个小时之后关,温度降低了再开暖气更加耗费暖气

According to leading energy experts at the Energy Saving Trust, as well as British Gas, the idea that it’s cheaper to leave the heating on low all day is a myth. They’re clear that you’ll save energy, and therefore money, by only having the heating on when it’s required. (Using a timer’s best, because your thermostat is designed to turn your heating on and off to keep your home at the temperature you set it.)

The key thing to understand here is that it’s all about the total amount of energy required to heat your home.

It’s a given that a certain amount of energy is constantly leaking out of your home (though exactly how much will depend on how good your insulation is). So the Energy Saving Trust says if you’re keeping the heating on all day you’re losing energy all day - and therefore it’s better to heat your home only when you need it.

However, it’s not quite that clear-cut. Some specialists disagree – and argue you should keep the heating on constantly for an entirely different reason.

They advocate keeping the heating on low all day, turning all radiator valves up to the max and the boiler down to the minimum, and say that the problem with turning the heating on and off is that every time it’s turned off, condensation collects within the walls. This condensation can help conduct heat outside the home, they say – meaning you leak heat more quickly and so will use more energy as a result.

主要看你家保暖状况。我家是house二楼比一楼高2-4度,测温器在一楼走廊设在23度上。白天一般不太冷8点到下午3点不用暖气。现在还不是最冷时候,一般从下午3点到早上8点大概每隔一个小时烧15分钟,一晚上才烧3。4个小时。早上起来还口干舌燥,你家要是到漏风多的话,一天长烧吧。 {:5_141:} 在室内楼上楼下放几个温度计。随时可以观看。用一个冬天,第二年你就明白比较省钱了。祝你好运 {:5_137:}


是啊,房子再怎么保暖总有heat loss,heat loss是和室内室外温度差成正比,如果室外10度,那室内20度的heat loss是室内12度的heat loss的5倍。

对于宅在家里的人来说,没有必要让自己冷到,24小时开启,没有heat loss {:5_141:}

去年一整个冬天都是设定时间早中晚各开三个小时25度。但gas bill一个月大概£200-230。不加电费。今年决定24/7开35度加热后调整到15-20之间看当天天气温度而做决定.晚上就跳到15度。看看会有区别吗。上网查询了一下很多都是说24小时开会比较省。



boiler 显示 热板最低温度是30 呀,, w

你好,你用是什么timer?? 电子的嘛 ?



成龙大哥家是什么heater这么智能? 我们家只能设定两个时间段

我家用 Netatmo 挺好的, 一百不到, 直接取代原有的 honeywell 的温控, 有webpage 和 app可以远程查看和控制, 也可以用Amazon Echo控制, 不过基本没有必要。 可以设置定时,也可以有什么智能学习什么的。

我设置的是屋内温度20度。。。radiator 的温度我设置的是50度


4 bed detached, 200平房子,一天大概12unit,乘以11.2系数,核算为179.2KwH,乘以2.52p/KwH(Bulb 公司)为4.52镑,再乘以30天135.48镑。加standing charge,大概一个月140镑。

穿件棉袄带个帽子,多简单的问题。 我hive 用了有三年了,那个手机app设时间开关太方便了。 而且我还有海康监控,能看到锅炉冒烟,知道系统工作正常。

我下一阶段就是研究空气能太阳能混合热水器的问题了。 把省钱运动坚持不懈抓起来