


Slough Council is one of very few councils which didn’t abolish grammar school system in 1960s.

If you move further west, Reading has two grammar schools (one boy and one girl) which are among the best grammar schools in England.

Buckinghamshire is slightly further out, but it has more and better grammars than Slough. There are a lot of lovely small towns in the area. Someone even would say it is one of the best counties in England,

Buckinghamshire 我们原来在high Wycombe 住过去,感觉不好。



如果对high wycombe不满意那说明你们不喜欢countryside,那就往伦敦方向找吧,很多人坐X26到heathrow上班,可以按照这个bus路线看看,Sutton,Kingston等


Kingston 应当离你们不远,可以看看 tiffin school 不过需要考的,在往西外面应当比较多

住countryside怎么能不开车?不过high wycombe真的挺脏乱差的,中产区要去Marlow,富人区在beaconsfield!

Buckinghamshire 比 slough的学校要好,会不会也更难考啊? Reading那两所肯定是最难考的,招生范围那么大只按排名录取。


难考的问题就看怎么看了,如果经过努力还考不上或者勉强考上,那可能不适合上grammar。从学校本身来说(比如学校设施和老师水平),我真看不到grammar和别的学校有什么不同,每个孩子的发展阶段不一样擅长的东西不一样,grammar的好处就是把发展阶段以及特性差不多的孩子放在一起所以比较容易安排教学,另外就是让这些愿意hard wotk的孩子做很多home work。自信心对孩子的发展非常重要,如果因为发展阶段比别的孩子晚一点让孩子觉得努力还赶不上同学,我个人觉得会damage孩子的confidence的。

uxbridge怎么样?小学,grammar, 私立中学?

I am not sure if the Uxbridge is a nice place for family life. You will be better off in Ickenham or Hillingdon.

There is no state selective secondary school (so called grammar school) in the area. I know someone live in Ickenham and Hillingdon send their kids to QE Boy and HB in Barnet (two of the best state grammars in England). It is doable, but every day journey is difficult and it involves shared Taxi and tube.

As for independent school, Uxbridge is not know for great schools.

Similar to other universities, I think there are a lot of Chinese work in Brunel. You could ask them where do they live.



没有多少住2m房子的人送孩子上公校吧,2M的房子stamp duty就得154k,这都够一个孩子从5岁上到18岁的私校学费了。 {:5_142:}

1M 的呢?

154k 够5到18岁吗,我看有些学校一个term 就15k,一年就40k啊

