买房合同 title guarantee

买房合同标明 limited title guarantee , 不是太懂,这是什么意思, 有需要注意的么?
但自己还是想搞明白, 谢谢大家啊

没有full tittle guarantee的还是不要麻烦,通常不碰。除非你律师帮你买indemnity insurance
The guarantee a seller gives to a buyer where the seller has limited knowledge of the property that they are selling and therefore cannot give an unqualified guarantee (full title guarantee) that the property is not subject to any financial charges and that no others have any rights over the property

是不是银行repossessed 的房子在卖?以前遇到过,这种情况没有问题

谢谢。 是过世的老人的孩子在卖, 孩子没有和老人住一起。 律师说是这很普遍。 不懂啊???