Self assessment tax return 女王陛下逼我拔光了头发抱头哭

一直属于被雇用状态,所以从来没有接触过这个Self Assessment的事情。今天在HMRC网上看了半天之后发现有点晕头转向,希望有达人可以解析以下问题。先谢谢各位朋友啦!

1- 诸位做房东的有没有很老实交代收入,并按时提交Self Assessment所需材料?
2- 有听说过因为未上报实情或不报而被罚款起诉或遣送的吗?(可能想严重了)
3- 如果常驻中国,有朋友们主动联系HMRC更改自己非英国税务居民身份吗?比如英国租房收入
4- HMRC与Home Office之间互通信息吗?比如HMRC知道我大部分时间都在中国,不交英国个人所得税,Home Office会因此质疑我英国永居的真实在英时间。


不按时提交会罚款,故意偷税是犯罪,海外居民的英国房租收入需要报self assessment tax return

hug. i had the same situation. I spent a lot of time trying to understand the whole system. I think that it is important that you do it, unless you will have no attachment with UK in the future. Otherwise it is always a problem of concern. Dont worry if you pay too much tax, the government will refund you if that is the case. Also things are not always very clear, and when that is the case, you need to call or email them to clarify. usually delays caused by misunderstanding can be pardoned. For example, I got a refund for the penalty that I paid, because it was a misunderstanding. So do not panic yet if you receive something that seems very scary. Just take the time to carefully go through everything. I am sure you will be fine.




通常只是罚款(但会很多)。但当被调查时依然隐瞒就有可能被当作 Tax evasion 处理。后果会非常严重。

通过 China-UK Double taxation treaty, Non residence Landlord who is a Chinese national,
如净租金少过 UK Personal allowance ( £11000 左右, 夫妻 x 2), 而且没有其他英国的收入,那就不必付税. 但是,你还是要通知 HMRC.


谢谢!您说的即使在中国生活的房东通过Double Taxation可以享受英国的Personal Allowance是吧?我看了一下一些SelfAssessment的填表要求还是要声明在英时间的吧。这个不管是永居还是国籍都要着实填写吧。


  1. 是。 uk china dta 可让中国 non residence
    Landlord 享有 uk personal allowance.

  2. Uk Tax residence 和 永居 是两回事, 两个概念。通知成为 non residence 是通过另外个表格, 不是 self assessment, 请向 hmrc 查问。


是减维修等费用, 今年(17/18)银行利息只能扣 75%,明年(18/19) 50%,19/20 (25%), 20/21 (0%). ( Section 24 Finance Bill 2015)

然后,利息可得 20% 税务回扣. 基本
All other income + (Rental income - expenses excluding interest) < £45k
就没问题, > 45k 就有些利息不能完全扣.