
英国出生的娃 (持T2签证的时候生的), 处理娃妈T2 depedent visa申请的case worker发邮件来问, 为何不给娃也申请签证?

之前问过律师和工作单位的HR部门, 都说英国出生的孩子不需要签证在英国境内是合法的. 是不是现在出新政策了必须要申请签证?

首先要看你娃有没有中国护照,没护照没法签证。 英国出生,没护照的人有上百万呢。



收到. 非常感谢

我 5月份时候 (T2 续签) 给HO 打过电话:



孩子读书不需要签证的 最多要看出生证

有birth certificate就行

My boy was born in 2016 when my husband and I both held Tier-2 Visa. We were told it’s fine to live in UK only with the birth certificate. So we didn’t apply for the Chinese passport or any visa. In 2017 my husband got PR and earlier this year we got our son the British passport. We were asked about the Chinese passport or visa but it didn’t affect him to get the British passport. Then last week we got him the travel passport because he is still Chinese citizen even he has the British passport.

By the way, we were never asked about the passport or visa when our son was treated in hospital, medical center or nursery.

travel passport 是不是说旅行证的意思? 你孩子没申请中国护照?

-Yes. it’s “旅行证”. The worker at China visa office told us we have to apply for 旅行证 because our son is indeed a Chinese at birth.
-No. Because the birth certificate is enough in England. We didn’t bring him out of UK until this June.

(I’m at office and have to type in English. )

就算小孩不用办签证也可以留在英国,但是既然你都为自己办签证了,为什么不一起帮小孩办了呢?以后你小孩离开了英国也必须要有签证才能进来。我觉得case work是这个意思?

The worker at China visa office was wrong. Dual nationality is not recognized by China. Therefore, at the time your kid got the British passport, his Chinese nationality (which he got by birth) was lost…

