
話說我家小哥終於混進英國,現在想申請稅號,由于他的签证是在英国国外取得理论上可以拿税号申请表的,请问各位大神,可以打电话去税号申请热线请他们寄到家里吗?还是要到job center 取呢?请不吝赐教!在线等.


If you’re moving to the UK
You may have a National Insurance (NI) number printed on the back of your biometric residence permit (BRP). You don’t need to apply for a National Insurance number if you already have one, or one is printed on your BRP.


在job centre可以申请 {:5_137:}

Insurance number
You need to apply by phone for a National Insurance number.

National Insurance number application line
Telephone: 0800 141 2075
Textphone: 0800 141 2438
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

Welsh language: 0800 141 2349
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm
