请问关于伦敦congestion zone charge. 多谢

搜了一圈没找到答案,想请问一下了解情况的果友们:如果我周日开进了congestion zone停在车库里没动, 周一白天6pm前都没有开车,6pm以后再开出来,这样我需要交钱吗?如果6pm我开出来跑一圈又开回去停着,到周二晚上6点以后才真正离开伦敦,我需要缴费吗?谢谢

As far as the car is off public street and stationary, you don’t need to pay.

This is a daily charge for driving or parking a vehicle on public roads within the Congestion Charging zone, 7.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.

The cameras read your number plate as you enter, leave, or drive within the charging zone, and check it against
the database of those who have paid the charge。



Do I pay if I park in a car park in the Congestion Zone?

The charge only applies when you actually drive your car in the congestion zone during the congestion charge period (Monday to Friday between 7am–6pm).

If you leave your car in a car park for a few days, you don’t have to pay the congestion charge on the days you don’t use your car. You only pay the charge for the day you drive to and drive from the car park IF it’s during the congestion charge period.


土豪自家车库 {:5_142:}


我们离congestion zone有好几个miles,我们这不少街道可以free parking。

离地铁站近吗? {:5_142:}

楼主有钱人啊,CC区内有停车场的酒店,很豪的,我们住不起啊。每天收25停车费的伦敦酒店我都肉痛。 算下来还不如住2区15镑停车费的酒店,再支付11.50 CC 钱进城呢。

和其它地方一样地铁旁边的街道都是residential permit holder only,而且空位很难找到,可以free park的阶段到地铁站要走10几分钟。

如果从M4过来,可以考虑Hounslow West Tube Station,26.5一周,是地铁Piccadilly线。

Kew Garden地铁站附近里Kew Garden比较近的街道有些可以free parking,但parking几天可能你不放心吧。

free parking的街道对当地居民来说是个nightmare

你们都没有切中要害,楼猪,你都在conges zone里拥有自己的私家车库了,这十几镑对你来说岂不是毛毛雨?


我们这里极少有人家有车库,都是申请一个residential permit停在外面街道上,朋友来访都不敢开车去车站接送,因为车一开出去车位马上就没有了。 {:5_139:}

龙哥谦虚了,龙哥住的是mansion behind gates,车位不会没有的,除非龙哥出门时忘记close the gates :lol

可以停在Mick Jagger家前面driveway {:5_142:}

