海外买房的人有tax allowance 吗?

帮国内的朋友问的。他离开英国前买了房出租了,房租不多,5千镑左右一年,他这样的还要交税吗?我觉得还有personal allowance 的,如果这样的话应该不用交吧

UK Personal Allowances provide an amount of income free from Income Tax. UK domestic law (Section 56 Income Tax Act 2007) provides an Income Tax Personal Allowance to an individual who is UK Resident, or where the individual, at any time in the tax year:

is a national of a European Economic Area state
is resident in the Isle of Man or Channel Islands
has previously resided in the UK but lives abroad for the sake of their own health or that of a member of their family who is resident with them
is a person who is or has been employed in the service of the Crown
is employed in the service of any territory under Her Majesty’s protection
is employed in the service of a missionary society
is a person whose late spouse/civil partner was employed in the service of the Crown
如果他属于其中一种才有personal income allowance


You might also get it if it’s included in the double-taxation agreement between the UK and the country you live in.



On page 12: Look the entry on China: People’s Republic of

It seems YES


You might also get it if it’s included in the double-taxation agreement between the UK and the country you live in.



On page 12: Look the entry on China: People’s Republic of

It seems YES


我来总结一下吧,正确的答案是从 6 April 2014开始中国籍的海外房东就不再可以享受英国的personal allowance了。



那朋友已经退休了,在国内拿pension 没有别的收入,这种情况可以有allowance 吗? {:5_134:}



从6 April 2014开始,已经很多年了。