
这次看的是Taylor Wimey的house,是个小三房的,今天去看了,院子朝南,厨房朝北,院子后面是没有规划的,似乎还不错。想问问各位,有什么需要注意的,我周末去细看,然后如果好,想要下定金的。

  1. 有姐妹从这个公司买过房子么?看了网上的评论,好坏参半,好像很多公司都这样



我之前也有去Taylor Wimpey看过show house。去之前打听过一个同事 他就是在他们那买的新房 而且他买的时候 讲价了! 我去看的时候 那个销售跟我说了很多help to buy的坏处,比如只有某几家银行可以贷款,而且以后如果出售 卖家可能不喜欢这种贷款方面的限制等等…… 后来因为位置和其他原因 没有选择TW的房子 所以你问的问题 比如设备和材料什么的 我也不清楚。

谢谢楼上的信息呀,居然可以讲价!!!!因为有同时和我说,一般楼盘不会讲价,这样的话,在rightmove上的价格高了,其他人会有意见的的,所以他们会给设备和材料什么的。但是居然可以讲价!!!!!!!!!!顺便问一下哦,help yo buy 到底好不好呀!楼上的姐妹,你用了help to buy了么?




房子质量不好呀,好吓人呀。。。 {:5_140:} {:5_140:} {:5_140:} 里面已经有住户了,我要买的应该是2期,然后还有3期,。。。我来找找facebook群,去取取经。。谢谢啦

买新房要注意看有么有covenant ,estate management fee, 看那些estate management fee seller pack 收多少钱。然后准备以后卖房子如果被pull out要损失多少seller pack fee, account statement document fee等等


买过Taylor Wimpey两套新房。第一套非常满意,没有很多snagging,质量很好。所以买第二套又去看TW开发的新房,结果很多很多很多质量问题!2年多了,还有问题没有解决。很头疼。也就是说同一个开发商也要看负责具体项目的工程队。跟已经搬入的住户了解质量情况非常重要。


买新房主要是省事 我觉得(主要使自己不懂):’(
新房就是你要有个心里准备 你拿到的房子的跟showhome肯定不太一样,就精细程度程度 (就是细节的处理)


反正就是交房的时候 (我的开发商)会让你验房的,没问题就签字交房。这个时候你一定要检查清楚
什么暖气 玻璃划痕,还有门下水道 扒拉扒拉的之类的 订房的时候 我觉得主要还是去跟他们谈deal 比较实际。

嗯还有一点新房第一年不要装修。。不要装修。。第一年settlement会有很多crack之类的。。。装修了多数是白瞎。。。 {:5_136:}

we bought Taylor Wimpey ‘Alton’, so far so good. not every site is the same, so you do see people complaining and people apprising.

first of all, make sure it’s freehold. (if should all be freehold now after the ‘leasehold scandal’.

advice - if you are first time buyer ( you can use help to buy, interest free for the first 5 years on your 40% of the house value).
we used Taylor Wimpey recommended solicitor and mortgage adviser. didn’t need to do anything, they processed it all. solicitor was with Bannister & Preston, in my opinion, they are good.

if you have the fund, make the house to the way you want, money come secondary, because you will learn that use Taylor Wimpey to upgrade is cheap than do it yourself later on. ( we are no DIY person, so upgrade suit us).

Price - it is not negotiable. ( many people are queuing to buy if you don’t want it, unfortunately, yes) but you can ask them if they could upgrade your carpert / give you a shed storage for free. Note - you have to do it before you put deposit down!

Feel free to message me if you want to ask more. apologies no Chinese keyboard at work.


Thanks a lot.
Actually, I have received several comments on “help tp buy” and most of them indicated that it is a tough and complicated process so I somehow hesitate – I am a first time buyer and definitely not casher buyer, to be honest, help tp buy is quite attactive since I need more money for decoration and furniture.

I may contact you later for details, thanks again for the information.

our solicitor arranged our help to buy as well.

from the day we put down our deposit, didn’t need to do anything except waiting for the exchange date.

only one hiccup - Harlifax refused our mortgage because my visa only had few month left. then the adviser sleeked another from Natwest.

2 years later, received a call from adviser to inform our health insurance premium gone up, so they recommended / arranged a cheaper one.

we are in our 3rd year at present.