help to buy staircasing

之前用help to buy 买了自住新房.首付5% equity loan 20% 银行mortgage 75% 最近爸妈想帮我们把政府出的20% equity loan在不卖房子前提下买回来.看了help to buy customer information pack 里面写you cannot staircase if there are any arrears of interest payments and/or management fees on your mortgage account. Any arrears must be cleared, before a staircase transaction can proceed
这个意思说我们还有mortgage的话是不能提前还政府的equity loan 吗?还是只是每个月不欠银行的利息就没有问题?有懂得大神回答一下吗


应该不会要还了mortgage 才能还equity loan 那么奇葩

意思是你5年后要pay interest,interest 交完了才可以还loan。

看来我是答非所问啊,不好意思,我直接忽略了楼主mortgage 有arrears这个警告的可能性, 只要没有delay之类的,楼主没有问题啊,可以还loan {:5_142:}

Not sure if your explanation is correct.