
孩子前几天回家,问我fuck是什么意思,你说同学告诉他这个spelling,他在字典上查不到。今天和朋友孩子玩,3个小孩玩我电话,还给我以后突然发现Safari上赫然印着 s e x 他们还搜索的图片。 也没多想 我马上和朋友说了这事,把3个小孩一起教育了。 我儿子说是另外一个小孩搜索的,把自己撇的特干净。。 后来无意中说出来是他输入的,告诉他fuck那个同学和他说的,他不知道这个词不好。 我一想人家家长回家问自己孩子,肯定知道是怎么回事,于是赶紧来和人家道歉去了,也先不管以后几家小孩好能不能一起玩。
孩子8岁,英语不好,所以我相信这词是从学校学来的。 现在是我要不要找学校老师谈一下? 就怕说了 老师也不会注意学生的品行,反过来给我孩子贴标签


How to talk to your kids about sex when they’re 6 to 8 years old
At this age, it’s important to discuss how to safely explore digital spaces—even if your child won’t be using the internet unsupervised for a few more years. Establish rules around talking to strangers and sharing photos online, as well as what to do if your child comes across something that makes her feel uncomfortable. Thornhill notes that while you don’t need to pre-emptively explain pornography to kids, be prepared to have them stumble across it. “Calmly explain that those sorts of websites are about grown-ups doing grown-up things,” she says. While there’s no need to present pornography as something bad, you will want to state that that these types of websites are just for adults.

This is also a good time to revisit masturbation, since by age eight most children have begun to explore their bodies. Frame it as something that, while normal, is done in private, and don’t forget to address proper hygiene.

At this age, you can also speak more explicitly to kids about sexual abuse. Silverberg explains that it’s important for kids to know about this unfortunate reality in order to protect themselves or help a friend who experiences abuse. How detailed this talk gets really depends on your child. Silverberg recommends starting with the basics, such as how no one should be touching them without their permission, then revisiting the subject a few days later to gauge what they understood and how they feel. If your child gets upset, you may want to hit pause on this topic until they’re a little older.


By now, it might be time to explain the actual mechanics of sex to kids. Silverberg notes that there’s nothing wrong with introducing this information earlier if your child seems ready for it, or delaying it a bit if you think they won’t comprehend it. To make this discussion easier on you, he suggests incorporating a good book that’s aimed at anticipating your child’s many questions.

Talking about sex can go hand-in-hand with another key topic: puberty. Thornhill says when kids are around age six, this can be a simple discussion about how bodies change as we grow. For example, you could compare photos of when they were little with what they look like now. Silverberg recommends saving the more detailed puberty talk until just before your child or those in her peer group start experiencing it. Otherwise, he says, “It seems like you’re talking about an alien planet.” Children with vaginas can expect to start puberty between nine and eleven. For them, a key indicator that this change is underway is the development of breast buds, which usually starts before age 10. Menstruation follows a few years later, usually around age 12 (though earlier isn’t uncommon). Children with penises tend to start puberty closer to 10, with pubic hair growth being the first clear sign.

When it comes to discussing puberty, Silverberg recommends sharing a good book with your child that can walk you both through puberty’s more technical aspects, such as the differences between testosterone and estrogen, and why and how our bodies undergo changes in hair, genitals, voices, etc. He also says to make this a general talk. “It isn’t that girls get one lesson and boys get one lesson.” Kids should learn not only about their own bodies, but also other bodies. While the detailed mechanics of puberty might be limited to one conversation, the impact of this transition should be an ongoing discussion.

“Kids of this age also need to learn more about the range of gender expression,” says Silverberg. If it’s a topic you’ve been shying away from, educate yourself first. Thornhill suggests starting the conversation with how you can’t tell someone’s gender based on their genitals.

七八岁可以有简单的性教育了,不妨问问老师,就说小朋友最近对性别和性产生一些好奇感,几个小朋友一起play date的时候也有聊到,不知道学校对这个年龄段的性教育有没有什么建议。

8岁孩子带着6岁和7岁的小孩搜索sex图片, 做家长的接受不到,不认为是出于好奇,学校没有相关的课,告诉我孩子这个词的学生明明知道fuck, sex是什么,还在学校聊这些,已经不属于正常好奇心的范畴

中国家长太把Sex神秘化, 导致小孩有一点早熟之类的行径就惊讶的不得了。自己晕眩越是弄得小孩慌张。你给小孩解释一下sex 是成年人可以的行为不就得了。小孩自然也有自己的分辨能力的。学校老师那里也可以讲一讲, 但未必有什么影响力,虽然英国的老师也要懂心理的, 关键灌输一点常识给你自己的孩子更有必要。

楼主你先去把你的手机设好parental control吧


4岁的sex education讲的是不同sex或者同样sex的人之间的relationship,不是讲的sex。


这个我知道,学校教的内容是age appropriate,小孩子主要是relationship和自我保护。但是八九岁的孩子其实普遍开始感兴趣了,我以为在这之前学校已经教过了。

Dinosaur underpant 赶快找出来给孩子看, 面对这种还没有荷尔蒙就好奇的状态, 等大量荷尔蒙的时候更难控制。 找老师能解决什么问题? 对性教育老师也做不了什么, 孩子到一定年龄的时候学校都有安排, 最直接的办法是男孩让爸爸教,女孩让妈妈教。 不过我家5岁娃也问过同样的问题, 我用狗狗兔子的例子和他解释。 孩子爹告诉他小蝌蚪精子, 孩子一脸懵逼, 我一身大汗。 昨天解释婴儿哪里来, 今天解释为什么吸烟有害无益。
