
孩子国内初二在读,在办Dependant,准备一月过来。算插班吧,写邮件问了Borough of Bromley admission,说是关于这个一律不回邮件,自己看网站说明。看了说明插班貌似比较麻烦,申请要等dependant办出来了才能递交,到底哪个学校要看运气和等。两个娃私校上不起。那一月过来下半年怎么处理,完全没方向。当地有什么补课班吗?是不是要准备GCSE?孩子程度还不错,不想荒废了。一下子也找不到合适的地方问,网上一些教育咨询的大多针对私校入学。请教这里,拜谢拜谢

一般是要孩子已经来了才能申请,council总会给你分配个学校的,需要等一下,但也不会太长,一般term结束的时候会有学生变化出空位,想办法Autumn term结束以前提交申请材料吧。

Autumn term什么时候结束?网站上写插班要六月以后,是那个时间?也担心公立学校孩子适应问题,语言是不是跟得上,什么的。现在不确定怎么分配,也没办法去问学校。玩半年怕散了心

人来后等2周就给安排学校的。 你提前两周前网上申请。 跟不上是肯定的,看孩子性格


Bromley council的in year admission没有看到说要等明年6月以后啊
Term dates在council网站有,秋季term是12月19号最后一天。


我想问问成龙大哥,明年9月份上小学最后一年 year 6 可以现在申请公校吗?孩子目前在国内,准备读完下学期暑假过来



在council 网站查了,说不能提前申请,也是醉了。。。

If you do not want a school place to start immediately please do not submit your application as school places will not be held open, your child will be expected to start within 2 school weeks of an offer being made. Your child must also be resident in the UK for you to apply.

这个可能是关于in year admission的申请的吧。明年9月开始上中学(year 7)的位置现在就得申请了。


有点弄不明白他们这个in year admission,如果我现在申请,人没在英国,万一offer 拿到了不能两周内上学会有什么影响吗?

in year admission(插班)肯定是要人在这里才能申请,但如果你家孩子明年9月开始上中学year 7 (9月1号时候是11足岁),因为中学year 7入学是提前一年现在就申请了,你们可以考虑试一试。

明白了,谢谢成龙大哥。可惜我家孩子9月20几号才11岁,所以中学也还不能申请 {:5_145:}

明白了,谢谢成龙大哥。可惜我家孩子9月20几号才11岁,所以中学也还不能申请 {:5_145:}


In Year Admissions
If you have recently moved into the London Borough Bromley or want to transfer your child to another school, at any other time other than the normal points of entry (starting reception class, move from infant to junior school or transfer to secondary school from year 6 to year 7, you need to apply for an In year admission.
We also accept applications if you live in another borough and wish to apply for a Bromley school place for your child. You must be resident at the application address before submitting an application. If you are moving house, you cannot apply in advance of your move as places cannot be reserved.
If you want an in-year place to start in September, we cannot consider your application until June at the earliest. Please apply from that time.
Please note, that there is no guarantee that a place will be available at your preferred school. Guidance notes attached to the In Year application forms give full details on making an In Year application.