



首先把每套房子profit &loss 做出来。如果其中一套房子产生loss

  1. 你可以用房子A的loss Carry over 到下几年度直到loss被offset 同一套房子的profit完毕。
    or 2。 你可以用房子A的loss 去offset其他房子的profit。 {:5_137:} 信息绝对真实可靠,哈哈

算总帐,不是分开算账,那个今年没有租出去的房子,如果下一年租出去了,那你应该可以convince hmrc那个房子是你出租business的一部分的吧。




理论上来讲,这套不是用来出租的话,是不涉及到profit and loss的. 但是你可以take own risk做账。。

Losses from uncommercial lets
Relief for losses is only available if the loss arises from commercial letting. If you let out a property on terms that aren’t commercial, such as to a friend or a relative for a reduced rent, expenses incurred can only be deducted up to the amount of the rent received for that property.

This will mean you don’t make a profit or a loss.

You can’t use any excess expenses in a later tax year, even if you subsequently start charging commercial rent in that tax year.


Under current tax rules, all sources of income from land and property in the UK are generally regarded as deriving from the same single property rental business except for furnished holiday lettings and provided that the ownership is the same.

Overseas properties are treated separately and are not included in the UK property rental business. What this means is that if you have two rental properties and one is not producing any rental income, the rules effectively allow expenses incurred in relation to one property to be offset against income from another. The exception to this is if a property is let on an un-commercial basis. For example, if you let a property to your daughter for half the commercial rent, you would not be able to utilise any loss against profits from other properties and the loss would only be available against future profits from the same tenancy.

Do you have more than one property let on a commercial basis?
If so and one of those properties is empty but available to let, then you will be entitled to claim the mortgage interest, service costs or repairs and maintenance costs you incur whilst the property is empty against your total rental income from all properties whilst a tenant is being sought.

As long as the expenses are incurred for the purposes of the property rental businesses, it does not matter that there is insufficient income from the property in question.

What this means is that if one property in a portfolio makes a loss, that loss is automatically relieved against any profits made by other properties in a portfolio.

一般hrmc不会challenge你的账目。 当然风险自担。


Do you have more than one property let on a commercial basis?

If so and one of those properties is empty but available to let, then you will be entitled to claim the mortgage interest, service costs or repairs and maintenance costs you incur whilst the property is empty against your total rental income from all properties whilst a tenant is being sought.

税局问你的时候,你能合理的解释就行。虽然这个机率很小 {:5_142:}

我不是为了说服税务局,我是为了说服我家那位做账的,前提就是必须合理合法 {:5_129:}

我每次都花100给会计做我私人self assessment。。。虽然我自己也能做,cant be bothered 。。。 {:5_146:} 没事了,最多查之前6年账

按照这里的说法 available to let的empty property也是可以算的,但如果你在卖那就不是available to let了。




这个之前是我们的主要居所,假设出租一年没租出去,然后就需要考虑cgt?又糊涂了 {:5_142:}

非常有道理。 claim了出租用途,那自住用途应该就自动消失了,那么卖房是应该涉及到cgt. 楼主还是谨慎一些比较好。


如果出租也在进行,那应该是满足available to let的说法了。

法规就是用来研究找漏洞的。。 {:5_142:}
