怎样appeal smart parking的罚单


我知道做什么解释也是我的错,但是还是想请教一下各位是否可以试着appeal一下,54镑有点儿太狠了 {:5_145:}

花钱买教训吧,要对英国的土地私有制度 有敬畏心







Technically you are in breach / violation of the parking enforcement / contract. You have no grounds for appeal if you base it on you thought the car park was empty so it wouldn't matter.

The only grounds you have for appeal are as follows:

  1. the signage was not clear and did not contain the correct information such as private car park, patrons only etc. There would also have to be wording to the effect of fines and infringement of the contract to park notice if you were not granted to do so. Generally speaking this is difficult to defend unless it’s clear and obvious the signs were in place and contain the above information.
  2. you state that you were not the driver at the time and are Not legally obliged to provide who the driver was at the time. If they have cameras at the entrance then this may not work as it’s likely they have a photo of you entering and leaving in the drivers seat.

1 首先,这个不是罚单,是invoice
2 如果图省事,直接交了,如果不交,99.99%的几率没有事儿,0.01%的可能被告上法庭

The invoice vs parking charge is just a technicality. They have to issue it in this manner as they are not the council.

The parking company is likely to pursue this matter as they incur no costs by passing it on to debt collectors. The debt collectors will add their own costs to the penalty charge.

If you wish to really tight this matter it’s likely that you will need to go to court at which stage they may not show up and you would default in getting your ticket overturned. This is likely to take several weeks to months but as these companies are not making any money at the moment due to the lockdown and people working from home, I would imagine they will take it as far as they can.

The OP has to question whether it is worth the hassle of going through this, potentially damaging your credit history and having to attend court for the sake of 56pounds.?

This matter is also more in favour of the parking company as the infringement is a straightforward case of parking on private land when you had no right to do so, rather than over staying in a car park or not parking correctly in-between the parking lines etc.

