
我签证9月20号到期,6月底回国,9月10号回英国,班机是法航,而且我的英国地址以换(没有通知警察局和银行),学费已交(一年预科),帐户还有2,3千左右,出勤率不高,请问在走之前和回来的时候要注意什么?办好哪些事儿呢?回来的时候,法国,英国海关能让我进吗? 可烦人了! 能帮帮我吗?谢谢!!!!!!!!

首先坐法航会比较麻烦,尤其在离签证有效期只有这么短的时间,所以要提防在法航SATELLITE的工作人员的严格查询(有过这种经历,当时离签证过期还有一个月,查了在英住址,将来的学校,课程等等), 所以如果能够的话,建议是先去警察局更改住址,回国时带上警察局登记证明,预科录取通知书这两样东西, 以防他们的检查。



于 2004-06-03 17:42, cricket1_1 写:



最好是面签, 当然如果不方便的话,可以选择寄签。



填一份VISA EXTENSION APPLICATION表,然后带上:PASSPORT, 警察局登记证明,BANK STATEMENT,前学校出勤率(低于70%的话,要提防签证官问问题),你预科学校的录取通知书及250镑。






偶也想问给问题, 偶在读大一, 马上结束了, 但去年HO只签了一年给我, 我10月底马上又要去签了, 想问一下是不是要出示成绩证明啊? 还有注意些什么才可以签的长些, 这样一年一年的实在受不了啊!! 谢谢大家了!!!

my computer is of breakdown, so I could only reply in English, so sorry about it

Not really, but if you fill the brancket relevant to your new results, you need to attach your first year results. Yet another is that could be benefic for your visa-extension…

About the period, my suggestion is you’d better ask your institute or university department to grant you an acceptance, which points out your semester period, institution fee and other information related to your visa extension, that would be helpful…

于 2004-06-05 03:40, cricket1_1 写:

my computer is of breakdown, so I could only reply in English, so sorry about it

Not really, but if you fill the brancket relevant to your new results, you need to attach your first year results. Yet another is that could be benefic for your visa-extension…

About the period, my suggestion is you’d better ask your institute or university department to grant you an acceptance, which points out your semester period, institution fee and other information related to your visa extension, that would be helpful…


我是不是应该等到学期一结束就问他们要全证明, 还是等到回来之后呢?? 因为那些信上都会有日期, 我不知道用这些提前3个月的信件是否对续签有影响, 谢谢了.

No need actually, just ask for it when you are preparing to extend your visa…

于 2004-06-05 03:56, cricket1_1 写:

No need actually, just ask for it when you are preparing to extend your visa…

明白了, 多谢!!